Making My Life Work for Me – Week 6

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“Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.” ~ Harriet Tubman

Welcome to the final week of our six week Making My Life Work for Me Program. (If you’ve only just joined us, you might like to pop back and read the very first post so you can gather the materials we’ll be using today and catch up on all our prior activities.)

Our focus this week is on putting it all together – now that we’ve been journalling and collaging and visualising, it’s time to get a plan! Change and progress come from action.


We have followed the same format each week.  Read through this entire post before you get started. You can do the activities all on one day, or spread them put over the week – whatever works best for you.


This week’s meditation exercise is a simple walking meditation.

To start hold your crystal or place it in your pocket, draping your scarf or shawl around you. Then step outside and go for a walk.  It doesn’t matter where you walk, although walks in nature are wonderful.  What is important is the sense of movement, and being able to empty your mind and simply enjoy observing your surroundings.

Remember this technique:

Breathe, and look around me. Breathe and put one foot in front of the other. Breathe and be aware of my body and my surroundings. Breathing and walking and being aware.

Set aside ten minutes for this, although you can take longer if you have the time or are enjoying yourself.

If it is not possible for you to walk, then close your eyes and take a walk in your imagination.  It will have the same effect.


Do this straight after your meditation, when you are ready and open for receiving! Close your eyes and use your imagination. See yourself the way you want yourself to be in the world.  See yourself in a space of calm, filled with certainty and enthusiasm.  See yourself as healthy.  See yourself as happy. See yourself having the life you desire, in as much detail as possible.  Really put some energy into this.  You can repeat this step again this week (even daily) if it feels right.  Thoughts are things, and this is how you manifest in the Universe!

creating myself

Using Your Journal:

Go back to the front of your journal and read your Pledge out loud one more time.

Then turn to the next blank pages, and write the following Positioning Statement, and sign it. When it’s written, repeat it out loud, with as much sincerity as you can muster. That way the Universe is put on notice of your intentions:

Dear Universe,

I am grateful for the clarity, direction and inspiration I have received so far.

I am ready to begin creating a life for myself that is satisfying and richly meaningful a life that reflects my values, and that best uses my talents and gifts.

I am ready to embrace positive change and to accept an avalanche of good in my life. 

My commitment to you is that I will create a plan, and take consistent small steps in the direction of my dreams.

I am open to Divine Inspiration, Higher Guidance, Magic and Miracles.  I am open to Breakthroughs, New Opportunities and Helpful People.

I am excited about co-creating a brighter future for myself and the ones I love.

With love and gratitude,



(insert your own name here)


Get creative! Use your paints, coloured pens, glitter and stickers to make your Positioning Statement and your journal visually attractive.

Card of the Week: 

2013-03-24 16.30.18Let’s start our week by selecting some reflective spiritual Guidance.  Take your deck of positive cards, or your rune bag.  Close you eyes and offer up a prayer for the Highest Good, and then quiet your mind.

Randomly select a card/rune, trusting that it will have a message to guide you this week.  Write down the name of the card/rune and the message.  Feel free to add any additional thoughts or insights you might have.

The final card I’ve chosen for us is all about the magic of thinking big – it encourages us to dream, and reminds us that there are powerful forces in the world which come together to support us as we move in the direction of our dreams.

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This week, give yourself permission to dream of that brighter future.  Actively look for ways to bring more of the energies of positive change into your life.

Week 6 Journal Activity:

This week use your stream of consciousness around the question Where to from here? Stay open to whatever you write down, and don’t censor or judge anything as it pours out onto the page. Draw pictures or mind map if you feel like it.

And this week’s creative activity is:

Collage – The Best of Everything  This collage will help you to clarify the essence of what your heart desires.

Take your pile of old magazines and place them in front of you.  Holding your crystal close your eyes and say out loud “Universe, I am open to all Guidance and my own Higher Wisdom.  I know that I am worthy and deserving.  From this place of self love and self worth, show me what I most value and enjoy.”  Take a moment and sit in that energy, really feeling yourself connecting into and opening to all that your soul desires.

When you’re ready, open your eyes and start flicking through the magazines.  If any pictures or words appeal to you, cut or rip them out and place them beside you. When you have enough images cut them up neatly.

Place the images in your journal, laying them out so that you feel good when you look at them. Allow yourself to be excited!

If your journal isn’t big enough, feel free to use a sheet of cardboard. Glue your images to the page and leave it open to dry.

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Pulling It All Together:

In the coming days and weeks, go back over your journal.  Take a highlighter, and look for all of the positive, inspiring and directional words and phrases you have included on these pages.

Look for repetitions of images, words and themes.

Look for words and images that strike a powerful emotional chord within you.

Look for the messages from your Soul to your Conscious Mind.

Write down a list of those themes and messages.

Now pick just three.

Choose one, and find a way to begin to bring that energy into your life.

When it has begun to appear, then begin on the second.  When that energy has also appeared in your life, begin on the third.

If it moves you, go back and do this process again.

Change comes from small consistent steps in the direction of our dreams. And small steps often travel us great distances…


What’s already working in your life?  List five things in your journal each day that you are grateful for in your life.

Nightly Healing :

Get into bed and spend five minutes lying quietly in meditation with your eyes closed.  Call on God, Universal Energy, your Angels, your Guides, your Ancestors, whomever you feel comfortable and safe with.  Ask for their help.  Fill your body with white light, and then draw coloured light (just allow a colour to come to you) through your crown chakra (an energy point on the top of your head) and send it anywhere in your body that needs healing.  Feel the warmth as the energy radiates through your body, uplifting and healing you.  Know that answers will come while you are sleeping.

Give thanks, send this same healing gift from you to anyone or anywhere else if it feels right, and then sleep.  Expect dreams that clarify, empower and enlighten.

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Thank you so much for taking part in this project. I trust that you can find ways to keep moving yourself in the right direction, so that your life works better and feels better for you!

Much love to you, Nicole ♥ xx

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Hi! I'm Nicole Cody. I am a writer, psychic, metaphysical teacher and organic farmer. I love to read, cook, walk on the beach, dance in the rain and grow things. Sometimes, to entertain my cows, I dance in my gumboots. Gumboot dancing is very under-rated.
Posts created 3152

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