Full Moon ‘Becoming’ Ceremony

Image from layoutsparks.com

It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are.  ~ e.e. cummings


A Full Moon is a wonderful time for stepping into the energy of ‘becoming’, providing a strong transformational force at work in our lives.

Are you ready for a little positive manifestation?

Here’s what you’ll need:

  • A fireproof bowl or dish
  • Matches or a lighter
  • Paper and pen

The first part of this process can be done at any time during the day, or you may choose to do this just before the Ceremony.  Sit in reflection, and then write down a list of what you are ready to offer up in order to grow into something else.

You can be as broad or as specific as you like, but your list should be about letting go of what doesn’t serve you in your life, and claiming positive energies, gifts, talents and activities in place of what you are releasing.

Here are some examples:

I now surrender the need to struggle, and I accept flow and synchronicity in my life.

I offer up loneliness and accept a healthy love relationship instead.

I am ready to give up my fear and insecurity and step into my life purpose as a successful personal trainer with my own business, helping women to achieve fitness and healthy bodies after childbirth.  I will earn at least $65 000 per year, and work hours that allow me to be with my own children before and after school.  My business will be so successful that I will be able to employ staff to help me, and to move outside my own area to expand into the surrounding suburbs.

When you have finished expressing what you wish to offer up, in order to become something new, keep your list handy – ready for the second part of this ceremony.

Image from samuiphanganfullmoon.com

On the night of the Full Moon, step into the moonlight.  Ensure that you have your offering letter and matches, and your fireproof bowl.  Allow yourself to become calm and centered.

Ideally set aside a minimum of fifteen minutes, but for those of you who enjoy meditation and reflection allow up to one hour.

If the weather permits, do this healing ceremony outside, once the moon has risen. Do not consume alcohol or recreational drugs prior to this process. If the weather or your situation doesn’t permit working outside, you can work beside a window that allows you to see the moon and feel her energy. Even if it is raining or the sky is obscured by cloud, know that the moon’s energy will still reach you.

Sit or stand quietly and raise your hands above your head.  Draw the light of the moon down around you like a cape, wrapping it around your body.  Then allow the light to fill you up, feeling your body becoming relaxed and peaceful.  Say:

I honour You, and I am grateful for everything.

Let these words really resonate within you.  Stand or sit in communion with the Moon, letting her energy fill you with grace and healing.  Allow yourself to honour your emotions, and know that whatever you feel is necessary right now.

When you are ready hold up your offering letter in both hands.  Let all of the pain from your body, mind and spirit drain into the letter.  Allow yourself to become filled with hope and anticipation. Say:

I offer up that which no longer serves me.  I claim my natural abilities and talents.  I claim my life purpose.  I claim all that is good and right for me and my life.  I am ready to Become.

When you are ready place the offering letter into the bowl and set it alight.

Image from servantofgrace.blogspot.com

Now stand or sit in meditation, opening yourself to any visions, words, ideas or messages that come to you.  You may wish to journal these later so that you don’t forget them.

To conclude your ceremony simply lift your arms up to the moon, and then draw her energy down into your heart, finishing by drawing your hands together, as if in prayer, in line with your heart.  Bow your head, and say

Thank you for the Blessing of Becoming.

If you feel moved to say anything else, you may do so now.  Know that your offering and exchange will be honoured.  Trust in yourself and in your own abilities.

Bless ♥ xx


PS – If you are working with the energies of a Blue Moon, then go here:

Blue Moon Healing Ceremony

Hi! I'm Nicole Cody. I am a writer, psychic, metaphysical teacher and organic farmer. I love to read, cook, walk on the beach, dance in the rain and grow things. Sometimes, to entertain my cows, I dance in my gumboots. Gumboot dancing is very under-rated.
Posts created 3152

9 thoughts on “Full Moon ‘Becoming’ Ceremony

  1. crystals out moon bathing…now for burning ritual…here’s to a glorious way to end 2013 and a magnificent 2014…with deep gratitude for ALL your love, support and wisdom…XO

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