Strengthening Intuition – A program of exercises!

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“Cease trying to work everything out with your minds. It will get you nowhere. Live by intuition and inspiration and let your whole life be Revelation.” 
~ Eileen Caddy

Please don’t tell me that you’re not intuitive! We are all born with a sixth sense – the ability to connect to a deeper wisdom, and to perceive and understand things that are beyond the reaches of our conscious mind.

Over the next eight weeks, every Monday (That’s Sunday for you folk on the other side of the world!) I shall post an exercise to help you recover and develop your own intuition.

Intuition can be a powerful guiding force in our lives, once we learn how to tune in to it and honour that wisdom.

Each of us has intuition at our core, each of us has psychic ability and spiritual connection – it’s just that most of us don’t trust it, no longer believe in it, or don’t know how to use it. We’ve come to prize intellect and logic over anything we can’t prove. And that weakens us. That’s why we lose our way.  That’s why we get ourselves into such terrible messes…

I’ve written before about intuition, and you might find these posts helpful too:

How to become more intuitive

Journalling for Spiritual Clarity and Connection

The psychic abilities of animals (this one comes with a free recipe!)

Using your Internal Compass to Navigate Life

Understanding Intuition and Gut Instinct

Managing your vibration – simple techniques for increasing awareness and intuition

“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition.”
~ Steve Jobs

At the bottom of the page are the topics I am going to blog about over the coming weeks.  I promise that if you follow my suggestions you will begin to improve your own intuitive ability.  When we listen to our intuition we make better choices, ones more aligned with our own values and heart’s calling.  We begin to change the direction of our lives to suit our nature and that will give us contentment.  We often uncover passions, begin new jobs or relationships, embark on further study or a big new project, and all of that will be better aligned to our true selves.

Over time, you will also notice a deeper spiritual and psychic awareness.  That’s normal, and nothing to be afraid of.  So, I look forward to working with you.  The world needs more tuned-in, heart-centred, intuition-directed people. And your own life will become happier, and truer to your purpose and desires. It’s win-win!

Image by Alexis Mire

Here’s that list of topics I will cover over the next eight weeks:

  1. Tools for intuitive connection
  2. Activating your hand chakras
  3. Sensing Energy in Objects
  4. Sensing Energy in Places
  5. Sensing Energy in People
  6. Sensing Energy in Food
  7. Tuning in to Energetic Preferences
  8. Honouring our Early Warning System
Hi! I'm Nicole Cody. I am a writer, psychic, metaphysical teacher and organic farmer. I love to read, cook, walk on the beach, dance in the rain and grow things. Sometimes, to entertain my cows, I dance in my gumboots. Gumboot dancing is very under-rated.
Posts created 3153

50 thoughts on “Strengthening Intuition – A program of exercises!

  1. Before reading the first topic I would like to leave a comment first to remind me of who I am before I read it.

    I’ll be having my license examination a month from now and I have been suffering this past few days for having low self esteem. Deep in my heart I know that I have the brain but I always rely on my intuition when answering the questions during my review. I envy my classmates who can rationalize which I think I could only do sometimes. I think that using intuition is a low form of understanding concepts but I think I do well with it however I feel inferior when I meet people who can really rationalize which I am weak at. I don’t know if this blog could help me answer my problem but I’m looking forward to read it.

  2. I have always ignored my gut and find out after the fact that my gut was right. I am so wanting to learn to listen to my intuition.

  3. Hey.. I guess I’m the one from the other side of the world, where Sunday is at the end of the week (makes the weekend longer, you see 😉 ). For the last two years I’ve been trying to make my first babysteps to become more heart-centred (or less soulless basterd) person 🙂 First of all, “spiritualism” is kind of a new word in my country – there aren’t many of those, who would like to declare that they are intrested in esotericism, magic, etc.. So there are practically no-one I could share my intrests, and I’m very happy that I found your blog after visiting hundreds of meaningless webshop pages. I think your blog is very enlightening, keep up the good work 😉

  4. Thanking you for the wonderful gift.I sometimes have trouble with intuition maybe i don’t know how to use it.Or trust it.So i’m so excited to explore!Blessings your way!xxxx

  5. Thanks in advance… I know my ability is there, and I know it is strong… But I’ve forgotten how to find it! I’m looking forward to being with it again : )

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