Self-Growth Nature Oracle – A Reading to Guide your Current Energies

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What progress, you ask, have I made? I have begun to be a friend to myself.
~ Hecato, Greek philosopher

Every so often I like to channel through some messages for you, so that you can get guidance for a particular area or time in your life. Today our focus is on your personal and spiritual growth, and giving feedback for you around this.

Until mid-November 2012 there is some incredible energy for shift and change. The image you choose today will help support you through these changes.

Instructions for using today’s post

Scroll down through the following nature images and then let yourself come back to the one you are most drawn to.

When you have chosen your image, scroll further down for your message; designed to help you focus on self awareness, spiritual and psychic development.

Trust that you will be shown what you most need to know right now.

Love and Light,

Nicole ♥ xx

Let Nature Guide You…

1. Rainforest Walk

Image from

2.  Park Bench

Image from

3.  Forest Pool

Image from

4. Trees at Sunset

Image from

5.  Alpine Stream

Image from

6. Autumn Leaves

Image from

7.  Mountain Rainbow

Image from

♥ The Healing Message and Gift of each Image ♥

Each nature image has a message for you. I have also selected a crystal to best support the message and energies of change in your life.  You could wear or hold this crystal, pop it in your pocket, under your pillow or beside your bed. (If you’d like to know more about working with crystals click here) The Power Word is a word to remind yourself of the quality you most need and that you are strongly attracting right now.  You can turn it into your own personal mantra by saying “I choose ___________ ” (insert your Power Word). Your Magical Healing Environment is a place or activity you’ll find supportive and healing.

♥  Rainforest Walk – Your Unfolding Path. The path to self growth right now is best found by spending time in solitary activities, and being out in nature. When you get quiet, and soak up the energy of the natural world, you’ll begin to really access the wisdom that is already within you.  Anything to do with the gifts of the earth, such as herbs, crystals and natural healing will be good paths for you right now.  ♥ Best Crystal – MOSS AGATE  ♥ Power Word – RELAX  ♥ Magical Healing Environment – The natural world.  Go for long walks, sit in the sun, take a picnic and a book and go sit under a big tree somewhere.  Visit a herbalist.  Sleep with a crystal under your pillow.

♥ Park Bench – Guidance in Many Forms. Don’t be afraid.  In your quiet moments, your Guides, Angels and Loved Ones who have crossed over are reaching out with messages and love for you. ♥ Best Crystal – Amethyst  ♥ Power Word – GUIDANCE ♥ Magical Healing Environment – Quiet places for reflection and spiritual growth.  Sitting at home with your cards and journal, finding time to read books about spiritual and self-growth. Meditation.

♥  Forest Pool – Emotional Healing.  This is a powerful time for letting go of childhood woundings, old pain from relationships, and all areas where you have regret and sorrow.  ♥ Best Crystal – TURQUOISE  ♥ Power Word – RELEASE ♥ Magical Healing Environment – Skilled healers, body work and self -nurture activities.  Seek out counsellors, body workers, therapists and other souls whose purpose here is to facilitate emotional healing. Surrender your pain.  Allow yourself to be filled up with love and renewal.

♥ Trees at Sunset – New Possibilities.  Stay strong.  You have weathered the worst of it and you are coming out the other side.  Expect inspiration.  Expect help.  Expect renewed optimism for the future.  Expect big shift and change. ♥ Best Crystal – Tiger Iron  ♥ Power Word – BEGINNINGS  ♥ Magical Healing Environment – Anywhere where you can move your body and exercise. Hit the gym, join a yoga class, go surfing or swimming or take up kick-boxing.  It doesn’t matter what – just build up your strength and fitness.  Get ready for life!

♥ Alpine Stream – Clarity and Connection. Spend time in thought, writing, journalling and meditating. Your heart is speaking.  Your Guides are speaking. You are open and ready to receive these messages. Your mind is becoming clearer. Your focus is becoming truer.  The worries and negativity that have clouded your thoughts is lifting. You’ll begin to see your next steps so clearly now.  ♥ Best Crystal – RUBY ZOISITE ♥ Power Word – BREAKTHROUGH  ♥ Magical Healing Environment – Places Outside your Usual Routine Take a weekend break somewhere new.  Try a new cafe.  Go to a different library.  Breakthroughs usually come when we shift our perspective.

♥ Autumn Leaves – Inspired Living  A wonderful energy for making changes, and allowing new gifts, new love, and new opportunities into your life.  Let go of what you don’t want, and get comfortable with standing empty a moment before the Universe fills you up again with something better. ♥ Best Crystal – GREEN AVENTURINE  ♥ Power Word – RELEASE  ♥ Magical Healing Environment – THE ARTS  Open yourself to inspiration and messages by visiting markets, art galleries, book stores, theatres, festivals and anything else that calls to you.  Be open to new ideas and new directions!

♥ Mountain Rainbow – Divine Connection  The magic of the Universe is pouring into you.  A wonderful time for exploring your own psychic and healing gifts through courses, reading and meditation. ♥ Best Crystal – CLEAR QUARTZ  ♥ Power Word – TRUST  ♥ Magical Healing Environment – MEDITATION.  Spend time in natural environments.  Breathe in big lungfuls of mountain air. Get some height and perspective. Try hands-on healing, reiki and other forms of energy work and spiritual connection.  Go with what you’re guided to.  And trust…

Stay strong, and know that you are in my daily thoughts, prayers and meditations.

If you enjoyed today’s post you may also like The Healing Power of Flowers and Fairy Blessings or my Magical Cupcake Readings!

Bless xoxo

Hi! I'm Nicole Cody. I am a writer, psychic, metaphysical teacher and organic farmer. I love to read, cook, walk on the beach, dance in the rain and grow things. Sometimes, to entertain my cows, I dance in my gumboots. Gumboot dancing is very under-rated.
Posts created 3154

45 thoughts on “Self-Growth Nature Oracle – A Reading to Guide your Current Energies

  1. I was drawn to two images and they were both right on: trees at sunset and the park bench. I intend to meditate on both. Thank you so much for this guidance, Nicole. I do so love your blog–always something rich and helpful.

  2. Woah!!! I had a dream the other night with imagery VERY very similar to #3… In a forest, there was a pool of water suspended in the air with one drop hanging ready to fall. The pool was just past the churning purple air that was going to form a tornado (until I changed its course with my hand and intention). The water/pool became a mist and rained, and I noticed I was moving through the seasons, trudging with friends through a snowy meadow over frozen moss and mushrooms. Talk about faith.
    Thank you.

  3. Interesting post! I just read a great book you might like called “Lifting the Wheel of Karma” by Paul H. Magid, you can check it out and get it right off of his website It’s a great read and you might find it quite interesting!

  4. Reading this made me realise just how lucky I am to have met an amazing person who has helped me so much in this last year. She has given me my life back after closing off from the world. An awesome spiritual healer, mentor and guide in health and wellbeing, counsellor and sanity saviour and just the most beautiful soul anyone could wish to be helped by. I’ve been a difficult client, because I’m learning the hardest thing I’ve ever had to, to love myself.
    Thank you for this special reading that invoked such warm appreciation of this person for me.
    I’ve never felt so grateful. x

  5. Thanks Nicole . . . as before . . .resonates strongly. . looks so much like photos I’ve taken. . .here where I sit . . can’t get more real and present than that. . .much love . . .xxxx

  6. thank you Nicole. I love all the images.I chose the best one and it is a wonderful message.
    I like the all messages as well. Some time ago a friend gave me a collier of tiger iron and I gave her a collier of ruby z . I’m so thankful we didn’t know it from each other and it was just the right present. <3 🙂

    1. Gateau Therese…Madeleines…Tart Tartin? Cupcakes are not a speciality of mine…but I’m pretty good at whipping up some scones. Have a feeling I will be working my way through “We love Madeleines” cookbook…let me know next time your down and you have time for a cuppa…XX

  7. Now to find myself some mountain air! 🙂 Spot on as always. Thank you Nicole. I might go back and visit the other posts as well. Love to you. xxx

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