Our spooky pup – an argument for pet reincarnation?

2012-12-20 06.50.47

“I am confident that there truly is such a thing as living again, that the living spring from the dead, and that the souls of the dead are in existence.”
– Socrates

Most of you will know that we have a new pup, Harry, in our household. You might also be aware that we lost our beloved dog Charlie at the beginning of September, after a wonderful 17 years of friendship and family.

I’m beginning to wonder if these two beautiful boys might be one and the same.

When I first met Harry last week he boldly walked over and climbed into my lap.  He seemed to be uncommonly comfortable with me, and since I brought him home this young dog hasn’t spent a moment fretting over his mum (he was unweaned) or his litter mates.  I’ve never known a puppy to behave like this.

When we arrived at our home in Brisbane for the first time, Harry seemed confident of where he was. As soon as I put him down in the hallway he ran to the kitchen, took a drink of water, and then raced outside and around the corner of the house to a patch of grass where Charlie liked to wee. That was odd, I thought to myself. How did he know where to go?

He greeted Ben (my husband) and Bert (our other dog) jubilantly, and fell right into family life.  Except that he asserted himself in the dog pecking order. He might be small, but Harry is playing Boss, and Bert seems happy to go along with that behaviour.

2012-12-22 16.52.09Down here at the farm, there have been other uncanny co-incidences.

On our first night Harry knew where our bedroom was, and took himself straight to bed. Just like Charlie used to, when he became crotchety and old, the very small Harry arranged himself right in the middle of the very big double dog bed. Oh no, we said.  This looks familiar.  Sure enough, whenever Bert tried to get onto the bed, Harry would roll over and snap at Bert’s nose until Harry had the bed to himself, and Bert sighed resignedly and moved back onto the carpet. (After three nights they’ve made up now, and sleep cosily together).

2012-12-22 16.52.05

During the day, when Harry needs a nap, he sneaks into our bedroom, pulls all of Ben’s underpants out of the dirty clothes hamper and makes a nest to sleep on – just like Charlie used to do. He also hides Ben’s undies to sleep on later, when we are going to bed at night.

Charlie did that for years too.  In fact, we buried him with a pair!

He doesn’t like to walk out into the rain to go to the toilet (neither did Charlie) and will do anything to find a nice dry spot for his ablutions.

He knows where to sit to get fed for breakfast, and no-one told him that either.  He went straight to Charlie’s old spot, sat down like a good boy, all smiles and waggy tail, waiting expectantly for his meal.

He steals Bert’s toys and then lies on top of them all and snaps menacingly if Bert comes near.  This sounds mean, but he only does it for a minute or two, as if it’s a big game.  It’s exactly what Charlie used to do when he was getting older and he didn’t want to run and chase the ball, or the stick, or the frisbee.  That worked for a 28 kilogram fully grown dog, but there’s something funny about a 3.5kg dog pulling off the same stunt!

Harry is obsessed with ants. He lies by the pool in the cool shady grass, watching intently and then sucking them up like an anteater. Yes, Charlie did that too…

He lies down on the same spot on the side veranda.  He doesn’t let Ben or Bert out of his sight. And when I meditate he comes and lays down in my lap. Just like Charlie did.

There’s something very knowing about this little pup. He’s a wise old soul in a spanking new body, that he seems delighted to test out and show off!

I think of my dear old friend Charlie…

Charlie, just weeks before his death.
Charlie, just weeks before his death.

then I look at this new, lively ball of fluff, and I am sure that our old friend has come back to us.

I have had more than one example of reincarnation during my working life as a psychic thus far – you can read about one of those instances here:

The baby who needed to speak…

So, what about pets? Well, I can see that they have souls and auras, just like people. I’ve written about that here too:

The Elephant Elder of Chiang Mai

Surely it’s not such a leap?  What do you think?

Our beautiful and wise dog, Charlie
Our beautiful and wise dog, Charlie
Hi! I'm Nicole Cody. I am a writer, psychic, metaphysical teacher and organic farmer. I love to read, cook, walk on the beach, dance in the rain and grow things. Sometimes, to entertain my cows, I dance in my gumboots. Gumboot dancing is very under-rated.
Posts created 3154

35 thoughts on “Our spooky pup – an argument for pet reincarnation?

  1. I lost my beloved Buster yesterday. The night before a psychic had given me a reading knowing nothing that Buster would soon pass and said that my father said that the tunnel was open and it was time, that I needed to go forward on my own and she saw me putting something down (literally). Well, I had to metaphorically put him down the next day when he had a stroke. When I told her at the end of the reading about him possibly going to pass she told me not to fret because he would be back April/May. I’m scared to hope and I think it’s dangerous to give me hope, but she has been right about other things. So … I can only hope. But still grieve. I cannot imagine my life without Buster. Please come back to me, Buster. I love you. ❤️

    1. I’m so sorry for your loss. Our animal companions leave such big holes in our hearts when we go. But I also know that they find their way back to us. Trust! Sending love and prayers for you and Buster xx

  2. How wonderful! My old girl is 14 and her back end gone, she seems determined to hang on I wonder if she doesn’t want to leave me until she knows she can get back. I read they can sometimes come back within a few hours in another dog. I hope this happens with me that when another dog comes into my life I know instantly its my old girl because she goes to all her favourite toys etc. I’m thinking of finding another puppy exactly like her (in looks) so she knows it ok for her to leave her old disabled body and transfer into the young puppy so we can have another 14 years together.
    I have another dog too but he’s been here 3 years and she hasn’t transitioned into him so I guess he has his own reasons for being here. Maybe she wants to be a girl again!

  3. How beautiful is this story. I stay awake morning my boy Brutis hoping and praying The Lord will send him back to me. This gives me hope my boy will return. Our pets are our kids, our friends, even my dearest companion, my love for my pets are the strongest love I have ever felt

  4. I’m happy Charlie was there for 17 years … and now he’s back again! Back because you provided him so much love! Harry/Charlie will be around for another 17 years! Pets provide unconditional love, they ask for nothing but love and care, and they give back so much more. Welcome back Charlie! … Welcome Harry!

  5. When you wrote about how Harry choose you I thought already about reincarnation.It doesn’t surprise me you see so many signs. It’s a wonder how souls find each other again. What a nice feeling to have your loved friend back again and we know by this nothing is lost in the universe. <3 🙂

  6. Reblogged this on Theosophy Watch and commented:
    In an ideal world, perfect harmony and balance between man and nature would be the norm. Thus, the keynote of Mme. Blavatsky’s worldview was the just and moral treatment of all the beings in nature, the First Object of the Theosophical Society, Universal Brotherhood. This foundational teaching of Theosophy is expressed in The Secret Doctrine, Summing Up #5, which states that “everything in the Universe, throughout all its kingdoms, is conscious,” and
    “…endowed with a consciousness of its own kind and on its own plane of perception.”

    Consequently, Mme. Blavatsky was adamant in opposing animal cruelty. She spoke out forcefully against sport hunting, foxes, birds and big game, and most strongly against vivisection — animals in biological experiments.

    “If these humble lines could make a few readers seriously turn their thoughts to all the horrors of vivisection,” Blavatsky wished, “the writer would be content.” “Other permanent tortures, daily inflicted on the poor brutes, will” — Mme. Blavatsky predicted in her article Have Animals Souls? — “after calling forth an outburst from society generally, force all Governments to put an end to those barbarous and shameful practices.“
    “Man is endowed with reason, the infant with instinct, and the young animal shows more of both than the child.” The two oldest religions, Hinduism and Buddhism, Mme. Blavatsky said, “regard the animal world
    “… from the huge quadruped down to the infinitesimally small insect, as their ‘younger brothers.’” We humans can be surprised and confused when we notice an animal behaving like us. We also tend to be especially reluctant to credit them with any human-like intelligence.

    But students of Theosophy recognize in the phenomena evidence of a far grander view of evolution from their studies, i.e. that all evolution is “triple” — physical, mental, and spiritual.

  7. In an ideal world, perfect harmony and balance between man and nature would be the norm. Thus, the keynote of Mme. Blavatsky’s worldview was the just and moral treatment of all the beings in nature, the First Object of the Theosophical Society, Universal Brotherhood. Thank you NIcole, reblogging!!

  8. OH yes! oh yes! oh yes!! It IS Charlie!! They don’t leave us – ever – and come back to us as soon as we make it possible. There’s no long waiting period like with humans. Such joy! Blessings to you and Harry (aka Charlie!)

  9. Thank you for this story about Charlie and Harry. It is so beautiful, Nicole. Am so happy – if it really is Charlie, he must be stoked. Have you made sausage rolls yet?

    1. I found this article 7 years later. Do you still believe your dog is reincarnated? I had lost my 14 year old husky in January. Fast forward to last week…we have a new, possibly “old” husky pup. He has several behaviors that are strangely familiar…

    2. Caroline, we so do! And everyone who knew Charlie knows it too. I’m so sorry you lost your old husky, but don’t be surprised if your dog found a way to come back to you! Their love and devotion is incredible. Much love to you xx

  10. When you first had the story of getting Harry.. I was thinking I bet that’s Charlie back. The undies thing is so funny thanks for sharing.
    :)ha ha 🙂

  11. Morning Nicole ….. I love your Harry story. This is a concept I feel very comfortable with and am glad to read of its presence in the pet world ……and glad Harry feels so at home with yourself, Ben and Bert ….

  12. Beautiful Nicole , I adore it !
    It makes perfect sense. I lost my old Rusty dog at age 171/2 and have desperately wanted another yet something has held me back. I feel the time close when I’ll be getting one and now I know why the delay – my Rusty is coming home too. Thank you for a wonderful Christmas gift – the best I could be given. Bless you and Harry. Charlie and Bert. YES!!!! ❤❤

  13. It could be that Charlie is back, or Charlie is hanging out and telling Harry where to go and what to do, just to mess with you. Hey, look at those eyes. Charlie must have had a sense of humor. 😉 Regardless, if you managed to get Charlie back, either through reincarnation or him hanging out with you and Harry, that is one strong love that dog has for you. Awesome.

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