Inviting Stillness…

'Stillness' by Aijung Kim
‘Stillness’ by Aijung Kim

“When I dance, I dance, when I sleep, I sleep; yes, and when I walk in a beautiful orchard , if my thoughts drift too far off matters for some part of the time, for some other part I led them back again to the walk, the orchard, the sweetness of this solitude, to myself.”


How often do you invite stillness into your life?

Here I am, finally at home at my little farm, tucked up safely in bed, waiting to feel better. And as I wait, I am reacquainting myself with stillness.

I am finding it hard to read.  My mind wanders and I lose the thread of each string of words and have to start over again.

The glare of the computer tires my eyes.

I have no concentration for games. Conversation’s a bother. I might be awake but my brain may or may not engage.

Frustration.  Fatigue. Overwhelm. At times, panic.

For days, as I’ve been in the city, I’ve struggled with feelings of uselessness.

But now I am home. Yesterday I spent most of my time gazing out the window. But instead of uselessness a sense of stillness came over me.

Here, just at my window, bloomed a pretty bush…

2013-01-24 16.33.54And further across, in the camellia tree, a tiny bird’s nest…

2013-01-24 16.34.52

All around me life went on.  My heart was beating.  Breath filled my chest. I was not my pain.  I was not my thoughts. I was not my body. I noted the texture of the sheets and covers, the grain of the old hand-cut cedar walls of my bedroom, the softness of the pillows and mattress. Nature at my doorstep. I kept on breathing.  My heart kept beating.

My mind emptied out its chatter and slowly I left my head and emerged into the world.  Free of thoughts, the images around me running through my mind like water but not catching hold, I found the deepest peace.

No agenda.  No to-do list. No project to work on. No thinking at all.

It reminded me of some of my most profound meditations, and I had done nothing at all except surrender to the moment.

There’s a lot to be said for inviting moments of stillness into your life.  Stillness expands time. Stillness restores and nourishes. Stillness lets you sit in your Soul, instead of in your head.

It’s easier than you think. Take a moment, find a quiet corner of the world, sit down and breathe, and just let the world carry on around you. Be aware, but not involved.  Let your mind relax and let go.  Breathe. Relax. Be.

Wishing you stillness today, and peace in your heart.  Bless ♥ xx

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When you lose touch with inner stillness, you lose touch with yourself. When you lose touch with yourself, you lose yourself in the world.

Your innermost sense of self, of who you are, is inseparable from stillness. This is the I Am that is deeper than name and form. ~ Eckhart Tolle

Hi! I'm Nicole Cody. I am a writer, psychic, metaphysical teacher and organic farmer. I love to read, cook, walk on the beach, dance in the rain and grow things. Sometimes, to entertain my cows, I dance in my gumboots. Gumboot dancing is very under-rated.
Posts created 3152

19 thoughts on “Inviting Stillness…

  1. Dear Nicole

    Thank you for your beautiful words – I feel them tender and delicate while you heal. On the subject of stillness, I wanted to share with you my favourite quote, it feels so appropriate for you right now. It is from TS Eliot’s ‘The Four Quartets’:

    “I said to my soul, be still and wait without hope, for hope would be hope for the wrong thing; wait without love, for love would be love of the wrong thing; there is yet faith, but the faith and the love are all in the waiting. Wait without thought, for you are not ready for thought: So the darkness shall be the light, and the stillness the dancing.”

    So much love, dear sweet, beautiful soul sister xoxo

  2. I am only new to you and this blog so I am not aware of what you are going through. Whatever it may be, it too shall pass. May is pass by with only peace for you.

    Thank you Nicole and as others have said. You are amazing!

  3. As I struggled to read this I cried as though my heart was breaking. I have been trying to pretend all is well in my world for a while. I post on FB and OwlsandOrchids and fight the truth of the stillness having escaped me yet again!
    There is so much to be Sid for a place where you can see something other than a patch of sky and a palm tree which seems do desolate. Now I feel I’m betraying your intention Nicole.
    I have been fighting stillness instead of surrrenderingrito it, believing I had to do this to ‘get back to normal again’. Thank you once more Nicole for such a heart felt and neded lesson. Tears are healing they say, but they make it hard to see the truth at times ( and stuff up my head😥). I am praying for you and wish you well in my hthoughts often.
    Thank you Nicole. Know that you are very loved and missed. <3<3<3 Susan

  4. I’m happy to know you’re home, resting and healing among flowers and birds and beautiful skies. Simply reading your blog post brings on stillness. You are indeed a *magical* being. Candles burning for you, belle Nicole. LOVE xoxo

  5. Dear Nicole,
    My heart goes out to you and I am now going to put you in my morning meditation. Enjoy the stillness and the healing love that is coming to you from around the world. I have been doing some quantum healing with a local guy- my heart says this might help you. I will get in touch.
    all my love- healing hugs xxoo

  6. I’m really glad to hear this Nicole. During one of my meditations it was suggested that conflicted thoughts are really damaging to your health. Wishing you more beautiful days in your little piece of paradise. Much love xoxo

  7. Illness – large or small is always a gift if we will allow it to be. And you are a gift for sharing so much with us. Be well!

  8. What a beautiful view from your window!!!
    STILLNESS,…………… …. it can be there when I don’t expect it. I often look for it but don’t find it.There is much going on in my mind that I can’t stop. I forgive myself.
    I found a moment of stillness today as I was walking in a park that is white of snow.
    Nature is helping me finding stillness but also when I sit in silence and go inside I sometimes can touch it. Love,Jetske

  9. Morning Nicole, so glad the stillness has come upon you. Thank you for sharing that experience – it’s one I sure need to seek out more often. Keep resting and soak up that life-affirming energy that surrounds the beautiful beaches, hamlets and rainforests in your neck of the woods. xo

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