Sometimes You Just Need to Take a Deep Breath…

Deep Breath by Tomas A
Deep Breath by Tomas A

“You have to just relax, calm down, take a deep breath and try to see how you can make things work rather than complain about how they’re wrong.” ~ Tom Welling


We’ve all been there.

Disappointments. Things that don’t go to plan. Endings we weren’t expecting. Futures that don’t conform to what we’d been led to believe. Judgments against us. Misunderstandings. Our body misbehaving or breaking. Hopes and dreams that end up in tatters at our feet. Grand ideas that tank. Injustices. Broken promises. Wrongs.

Sometimes life just knocks the wind out of our sails.

Or that’s how it feels…

One thing I’ve learned about life’s hard knocks is that although we may get winded, if we can just take a good deep breath, then pause and take another, we often find things aren’t as bad as they first appeared.

Sometimes, of course, it really is that bad. No matter. Breathing helps. Taking a good deep breath centers you; it calms you down, puts you back in your body, and helps clear your head. Then you can better see your way forward.

We are, all of us, stronger than we know. And it’s usually not until we’re really tested by life that we ever find this out.

Tree of Life by Sharon Cummings
Tree of Life by Sharon Cummings

I have recorded a twenty minute Guided Meditation for helping you to deal with stress and overwhelm. It uses breathing and visualisation to help reduce tension in your body, so that you come to a place of calm and better flow of thoughts, feelings and energy.

All you need to do is make sure that you won’t be disturbed, and then sit or lie quietly and follow along with the sound of my voice.

Nicole Cody’s Guided Meditation for Reducing Stress

In endings and difficulties are always the seeds of a new beginning. I’m intending support, healing, connection, guidance, positive flow and direction for you.

All my love ♥  Nicole xx


Hi! I'm Nicole Cody. I am a writer, psychic, metaphysical teacher and organic farmer. I love to read, cook, walk on the beach, dance in the rain and grow things. Sometimes, to entertain my cows, I dance in my gumboots. Gumboot dancing is very under-rated.
Posts created 3152

16 thoughts on “Sometimes You Just Need to Take a Deep Breath…

  1. So funny, taking a deep breath is exactly what I wrote in yesterday’s journal entry after an hour and a half phone call to Centrelink during which I spoke to a real person for less than 3 minutes! I immediately went outside into the brief sunshine we enjoyed in Melbourne yesterday and took more than one deep breath. Are you sure you weren’t spying on me, Nicole!

  2. Sometimes ,Nicole, I think you are my guiding star …sorry I would put that pressure on you or anybody . But your posts are like a breath of fresh air to me on these manic mornings. With you , and a cuppa , I can reflect on life for a few moments and it really helps . I am so looking forward to your guided meditation later today …thank you .
    Cherry xx

  3. Loved the photo of the child coming up for air. It drew me in to your noteworthy message. That technique has served me well at some of the worst of times. Reminds me of a line that Tom Hanks delivered in the movie Sleepless in Seattle to explain how he will deal with the loss of his wife. . . “Well, I’m gonna get out of bed every morning… breathe in and out all day long. Then, after a while I won’t have to remind myself to get out of bed every morning and breathe in and out… and, then after a while, I won’t have to think about how I had it great and perfect for a while.” Sometimes life is like that and breathing is about all we can demand of ourselves, and that’s okay. 🙂

  4. “In endings and difficulties are always the seeds of a new beginning.”
    I heard recently (and the location escapes me, unfortunately) that seeds are not, in fact, a beginning, but the end product of a plant, an end product which grows and changes of its own accord, and I think that sometimes, it would behoove us to think of those ‘seeds of new beginning’ as being the end product of our difficulties. If we remind ourselves that it is through our difficulties that these seeds come into being, we will begin to have a new gratitude for our difficult times. We will begin to welcome them as gateways to change, to a better understanding of life, ourselves or others.

    Just an alternative way of thinking 🙂

    Excellent post, thank you for sharing!

  5. Thank you for this and all the support you give to so many others. May you feel the support and love flowing back as you ride your own rollercoaster. Much love to you xox

  6. Thank you Nicole, this really came at exactly the right time. Doctors visits can be a nuisance, a real pain or a shock to the system. Yesterday was one and the reminder to breath is probably something I need to focus on for a while. I’m sure the meditation, which I’ll do now will help tremendously too. I hope, pray you Re ok too.
    Blessings ,
    Susan ❤😊❤❤

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