Create Positive Change Program – Week 6

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“When a person really desires something, all the universe conspires to help that person to realize his dream.”~ Paulo Coelho

2013 and 2014 are years for inviting and creating powerful positive change in our lives. And knowing that, there’s a decision to be made…

Do I actively seek change and open myself to these energies, or do I remain closed and passively let life keep happening to me?

If you’re working through this program, you’ve already made that decision. YOU are aligning yourself with these energies and you WILL invoke and create change.

When we recognize our desire for a new way of being, and we begin to work with and practice that commitment out in the world, it’s amazing how the Universe musters to our aid. We live in a complex interconnected energetic system, and our thinking and actions magnetize us to attracting more of whatever it is that we are thinking about and focusing on.

This week we’re going to make deliberate use of that assistance by putting our attention on who can help us, and what tools we already have, or might to add to our toolkit!

Image by Steph A at Craftsy
Image by Steph A at Craftsy

Count Your Blessings!

Your Blessings Book should be filling up nicely by now. Are you noticing any themes, any particular people, places or things that regularly give you pleasure and joy? What’s recharging you and filling your soul with gratitude?

Recording the small and simple blessings and the incredible moments in our day reminds us of the positive energy already present in our lives.  As we focus on this positive feel-good energy, we attract more of these moments and blessings into our lives.

Once again, this week write down three blessings in your life every day – three simple things for which you are grateful. Counting our blessings puts us into a more receptive and abundant state of mind.

Write them like this: Today I am thankful for (the blessing) because (write down a simple reason). eg: Today I am grateful for soft green grass beneath my feet, because I live in a lush and vibrant place and walking on the earth makes me feel grounded and nurtured.

Affirm the Positive!

Take your rock from Week Five and thank it. Write the Affirmation you used in your Blessings Book. You can now place the fifth rock beside your bed or somewhere where you’ll see it often.

Select the sixth rock from the eight you selected at the start of this course. This is your sixth Affirmation Stone. Carry it around with you, or place it somewhere where you can see and hold it every day.

Hold this sixth stone in your hands. Now think of something else in your life that you want to change. This week we’re focusing on what we want to ATTRACT. Affirm that as a statement of declaration to the Universe.

Be bold and creative with this. It doesn’t matter how big or small your desire for attraction is.

State it like this: I now attract ______.


Yeah, you knew there’d be a but!

And here it is: When you affirm this declaration, you must be able to feel in your heart that it is possible so that you connect with the integrity and possibility of the statement. If you can do that, you’ll be creating powerful magic. But if you can’t you’ll actually be making yourself anti-magnetic to that thing!

Let me show you a simple way to see if you’re on track with this week’s affirmation:

Lets just suppose that your desire is to create more money in your life. So your first affirmation is

I now attract a massive Gold Lotto Win.

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Image from

Say that affirmation out loud and then immediately tune in to your heart. What’s going on there? Can you truly visualise that happening? Can that statement be real for you? If that voice inside you is saying, ‘Oh sure – like that’s ever going to happen!’, if you’re feeling wriggly and stupid and uncomfortable, or like an outright fraud? Well, they’re pretty clear indications that you are NOT aligned with this statement and you’re out of integrity with it. So the message you’re actually putting out into the Universe is more like this:

I am so unworthy of financial gain. I am comfortable with lack.

And you know what? The Universe always delivers…

If money’s what you need, then find another way to express that which fits more comfortably with your current belief structure. Maybe something like this:

I now attract increased cash flow. Abundance comes to me in small and surprising ways.

This is one I’ve personally used, and it has served me well. Note the little modifier I put on the end of my affirmation. At the time I was so broke, so on struggle street that it seemed implausible and impossible for my fortunes to suddenly change. (even now I want to reach back in time and give that insecure low-self-esteem me a big hug!) Back then I could never see me winning lotto! But little extra bits of money and abundance? Yes, I could be comfortable with that.

Do you know what happened when I used that affirmation? I got an unexpected refund on an item, my phone company told me they’d overcharged me and gave me a credit towards my next bill, I found twenty dollars in a pants pocket, and then, most surprisingly of all, I found $800 in fifty dollar bills just blowing along a main road when I went for a walk one really early morning. When I rang to report it to the police, they told me to keep the money as ownership would be impossible to prove.

So, the big thing I want you to really understand here is the importance of choosing an affirmation that your heart feels ready for, excited about and in tune with!

Image from Decatur CD
Image from Decatur CD

Each day hold your affirmation stone in your hands and repeat the declaration, out loud, or in your mind. You can do this just once, or as many times as you like. Say your declaration with enthusiasm and commitment. Put lots of energy into the words I NOW ATTRACT. Feel yourself aligning to the vibration of this new energy in your life.

Get excited!

Using your Gratitude Rock

Each night this week work with the energy of this special stone. As you hold your stone tonight say to yourself I am richly Blessed. I have an Abundance of Good in my life.  Then hold in your mind one or more image of a thing you have been grateful for today.  It doesn’t matter if you review your Blessings from your Blessing Book, or add in something new.  Swell that positive energy up in your heart like a beautiful golden light, and give a heart-felt Thank You, Thank You, Thank You to the Universe. Visualise a tiny shower of golden light travelling from your heart into your Gratitude Rock.

Now imagine all of the other people who are taking part in this Positive Change Program with us – people from all over the world, just like you. Once again build up a strong positive energy in your heart, and then imagine shooting a stream of golden light out into the Universe to those people. Each of us benefits for the love and support we share, and we grow stronger and more open and connected.

Say Thank you.  I Bless You.  I intend for you Positive Change, Love, Miracles and Abundance. Know that as you are saying this for them, they are also saying this for you. Feel that connection and gratitude and know that there is real love and support for you here. Place your rock back beside your bed, and close your eyes, cocooned in this good energy. Know that you ARE making positive change in the world, and in your life, and helping others to do the same.



Find half an hour in your week, sit down with your journal and get comfy.

Review the shortlist of changes you want to create that you wrote down last week.

Then ask yourself the following two questions for each point:

  1. Who can help me?
  2. What do I already have in my toolkit that I can start using now?

Who can help me? This could be a course, a coach, a mentor, a friend, your partner, an on-line forum or a book, just to name a few.

What do you already have in your toolkit? Maybe you’ve completed some study, or gained experience, or made a start. Perhaps you already have the camera, the computer, the fabric, the art material, the bare patch of garden, a relationship that can be built upon.

Start to appreciate what you have in your life to use as a starting point, and be aware of what else you need so that you can begin to draw those people and energies into your life.

When you begin to become an active participant in the change process, all sorts of breakthroughs and synchronicities begin to occur.

Wishing you a week of insights, connections and magic. Have courage and belief in yourself and your dreams. This change you desire is entirely possible, especially when you become a willing co-creator of your own destiny. Don’t put it off. Now is the time!

Lots of love, Nicole xx


PS: If you’d like to review any aspect of this course, or start back at the beginning click here.

Hi! I'm Nicole Cody. I am a writer, psychic, metaphysical teacher and organic farmer. I love to read, cook, walk on the beach, dance in the rain and grow things. Sometimes, to entertain my cows, I dance in my gumboots. Gumboot dancing is very under-rated.
Posts created 3152

6 thoughts on “Create Positive Change Program – Week 6

  1. I have been putting something off for a long time I SHOULD have done it this weekend but didn’t .
    I will do it today … I owe it to myself and my Dad .
    Thank you so much Nicole x

  2. I haven’t verbalised my immediate desire and ambitions to my husband, probably for fear of not following through, but low and behold this birthday he presented me with all the artists tools I need to get going! I laughed cause he said as presenting his gifts ” I know this is a bit out of left field” !!

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