Magical Book Oracle – A Reading Just For You!

Image by RazielMB
Image by RazielMB

“We’re here for a reason. I believe a bit of the reason is to throw little torches out to lead people through the dark.”
~ Whoopi Goldberg


I love the idea of a magical book. Don’t you?

I’ve often turned to books when I’ve needed guidance or answers. So today I’ve used some beautiful images of books and accompanied each image with a channelled message to gift you clarity and reassurance about where you’re at right now.

Each magical book also comes with suggestions for crystals and activities to support you energetically, emotionally and physically.

Instructions for using today’s post

Let each image speak to you in its own way.  One of them will have wisdom just for you!

Scroll down through the following magical book images and then let yourself come back to the one you are most drawn to.

When you have chosen your book, scroll further down for your message. Take what resonates for you, and apply it in your life over the coming weeks.

Trust that you will be shown what you most need to know right now.

Love and Light,

Nicole ♥ xx

Let the Magical Books Guide You…

1. Ancient Manuscript

Image from Internet Monk
Image from Internet Monk

2. Magical Daisy Book

Image from Wallpapers in HQ
Image from Wallpapers in HQ

3. White Light Book

Image from Light Bliss
Image from Light Bliss

4. Magical Lands Book

Image from
Image from

5. Cosmic Rainbow Book

Image from Oriental Magic
Image from Oriental Magic

6. Book of Shadows

Image from The Charmed Ones
Image from The Charmed Ones

7. Mythical Journey Book

Image by Justin Rowe
Image by Justin Rowe

8. Fairy’s Book

Image from Key Note Blog
Image from Key Note Blog


♥ The Message and Gift of each Magical Book ♥

Each Magical Book image has a message for you. I have also selected a crystal to best support the message and energies of your chosen Book.  You could wear or hold this crystal, pop it in your pocket, under your pillow or beside your bed. (If you’d like to know more about working with crystals click here.) The Action Step is a tangible step you can take to begin incorporating this wisdom in your life.

1.  Ancient Manuscript:

Message – Trust your own judgement. It’s time for major change, even if that change begins in the smallest of ways. You’re being supported to create an energy of transformation that will take you far from where you are now. There is a great force of synchronicity at your disposal. All you need to do is allow, and be brave enough to act. Begin things. End things. Be active in creating this new life. You deserve to be happy and fulfilled.

Crystal – Tiger Iron 

Action Step – Spend some time thinking about how you want your life to look. record your thoughts in a journal. When you are ready, begin to put a plan together. Where might you start? Who or what could support you? Start to give your dreams some form. Trust in good outcomes, even if the beginning of this transformation will be modest.


2.  Magical Daisy Book:

Message – Love and Friendship is coming your way. What a kind, loving and beautiful soul you are. Right now there is a wonderful opportunity for you to bring magic to some existing relationships, allowing them to be revitalised. There is also the opportunity to meet new people who will become significant in your life. As you love, so will that love be returned, deepening the relationship and giving you new levels of emotional connection and satisfaction.

Crystal – Rose Quartz

 Action Step – Each day find things for which you can be grateful. Live in a way that pours love and gratitude from your heart. Seek out the people, places and things that make you happy. Avoid the people, places and situations that bring you down. Write a list of your dream friend or partner. Put the completed list in a pink envelope, and then place the envelope somewhere safe. Send your list a little love and energy each day to magnetise love into your life.


3.  White Light Book:

Message – Be purposeful in bringing your gifts to the world. You know it. The Universe is calling you, reminding you that it’s time. Time to write that book, start that business, invest that money, study that thing which furthers you somehow. Trust that you have something valuable to share with the world. Believe in yourself now, and invest in yourself and your dreams.

Crystal – Clear Quartz 

 Action Step – Sit with yourself and be brave in asking what it is you really want to do with your life. Create some big goals, and then break those goals down into small steps. Choose a place and begin. Each week, put energy into your plan and your dreams. Know that you can make this happen. Know that it is time.


4.  Magical Lands Book:

Message – Nature has great restorative gifts for you right now. Maybe you need to change your diet to include a wider range and quantity of fruits and vegetables. Perhaps what is needed is more time in the outdoors, or a hobby or sport that allows you to move more and to feel the sun on the face and the wind in your hair. A holiday in the mountains or by the sea? Perfect!

Crystal – Green Aventurine

 Action Step – Embrace your well-being. Look to the ideas and ancient healing methodologies of other lands. Try yoga, meditation, acupuncture, herbal medicine or tai chi. Be adventurous in looking further afield for what can heal, restore and uplift you. Maybe a health retreat in Byron Bay, Bali or Thailand. Perhaps a practitioner or a workshop that promotes these ancient methods for restoring balance and creating sustainable well-being.


5. Cosmic Rainbow Book:

Message – Honey, you need some fun! What’s most needed in your life right now are activities that bring joy. That could be hanging out with friends, listening to music, travel, playing games, starting a hobby or joining a group. Do what makes your heart sing. If you don’t know what that is, then gift yourself time to find out.

Crystal – Fluorite

 Action Step – Clear some space in your diary. Maybe there’s something you used to enjoy, which you don’t do any more. Make time for it again! Search out movies, music, festivals, galleries and places you’ve always wanted to visit. Do something you haven’t done before. Make more time for family and friends. Schedule some time just for you!


6.  Book of Shadows:

Message – Spirituality and time for connecting to your Inner Wisdom needs to be a priority right now. Expect magic. Expect clarity, breakthroughs, inspiration and guidance from unexpected but helpful quarters. You have a powerful intuitive side, and it’s time to learn how to connect with this wisdom and guiding force within you.

Crystal – Amethyst

 Action Step – Make time for self-reflection, journalling, meditation and prayer. Be open to guidance from outside of yourself as well. Make use of tools such as crystals, tarot and other messenger cards, runes and other divination items if that feels right. Ask once, and be guided by the answer, whatever that may be. Stay open to possibility and to acting on insights. Think deeply about the big questions. Expect answers.


7.  Mythical Journey Book:

Message – Courage. It’s time to go back to, and heal your past. There are issues and situations from your past, that, in remaining hidden, unspoken or unresolved, are preventing you from healing, from knowing expansion, from allowing you to transcend these falsely imposed limits. Sometimes it is  possible to simply get into an allowing space, and ‘let go’ of that old energy without having to examine or re-live it. Sometimes we benefit from guidance and professional help and advice. Always, we benefit from thinking on the blessings and the lessons inherent in those situations which have caused us pain.

Crystal – Citrine

 Action Step – Think about the events, relationships and actions that you have buried, or that continue to bring you discomfort of shame. You are being supported to work through and let go of these old energies right now. Truth must be brought into the light. These old hurts must be let go, or like anchors around your heart and soul, you will continue to be held back by them. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Look to counsellors, healers and all other forms of support workers who can aid you in your situation.


8: Fairy’s Book:

Message – There is a special magic around you right now, bringing breakthroughs, help and miracles. The Fairy Book connects you to Loved Ones who have crossed over, Ancestors you have never met, members of your Soul Group, Fairies, Guides, Angels and all kinds of other Light Beings. Know that you’re not alone. Know that you are heard, and that help is coming.

Crystal – Moss Agate or Opalite

 Action Step – Ask! Reach out with your heart, your prayers, your meditations. Form that question in your mind. Have a conversation with someone who has crossed over, or with your guides and angels. Sit under a tree or in the garden and call on the fairies and nature spirits. Call on God. Don’t be afraid. Trust that injustice, obstacles, difficulties and dilemmas that have caused you great anxiety and worry will soon begin to dissolve or resolve. Know that you are loved. Expect magic and miracles. Trust in Divine Timing.

Hi! I'm Nicole Cody. I am a writer, psychic, metaphysical teacher and organic farmer. I love to read, cook, walk on the beach, dance in the rain and grow things. Sometimes, to entertain my cows, I dance in my gumboots. Gumboot dancing is very under-rated.
Posts created 3152

19 thoughts on “Magical Book Oracle – A Reading Just For You!

  1. These amaze me everytime. Always such a beautiful gift to check in on every so often. Wonderful news.

    I hope those gorns aren’t getting to you too bad. 😉
    Sending blessing and healing towards you.
    Much love, Nicole!

  2. I love it when you do this Nicole it’s such fun . I chose the magical lands book and it instantly resonated with me . I am about to embark on a healthy diet , one of which is more exciting , I have got stuck in my ways lately and my body reflects that …well it does to me .I am an outdoor type and I am about to move to my half house by the sea so there will lots of coastal walks …
    I loved all the other books but that one was for me .

  3. Well I never seem to choose just one, so am pleased that someone else does that I do as well :). So my number one pick was very accurate, as was the next one. Nothing I don’t already know, but a good reminder as well as being affirmative. Have a lovely day Nicole xxx

  4. Undoubtedly number one followed by number six. Thank you Nicole, I love these little guiding encouragements, and today’s ‘ancient manuscript’ image, and message ,was particularly strong, and apt.
    Blessings xxx

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