That Big Ol’ Sky

Image from wikipedia commons
Image from wikipedia commons

“If you follow the ancient maps written on the stars, no person will ever understand you. So if you could read these maps, would you follow them? And forever be misunderstood? Or would you close your eyes tightly and pretend to be like everyone else?”
~ C. JoyBell C.


About a quarter to four this morning I opened the door of my little farmhouse and stepped out into the soft dark night.

It’s been so hot these past few days, and I was hoping for breath of cool – somewhere quiet and comfortable to do my morning meditation.

Oh, the beauty of the sky at four am. Framed by the old trees that cradle the farmhouse, the night sky was a bowl of stars, familiar as the scene in the bottom of a childhood memory.

My meditation forgotten I sat in wonder, looking up at the ancient bright sky.

After a moment or two I was aware that the sky was shimmering, lit from within somehow with bursts of light.

Twirling around slowly on the damp lawn, my eyes skyward, I came to face the direction of the sea, which is obscured by trees and a mountain. Still, I know the sea’s direction. It is a place where we make an almost daily pilgrimage just now.

My eyes grew wide. A colossal storm was taking place out over the ocean. I could make out the pillars of cloud containing this mad fury which lit those clouds every shade of pink, amber and blue. There was no sound. Just a light show whose echoes pulled on the fabric of the rest of the night sky, shooting ribbons of light along its weave.

The sight of it simultaneously filled me with awe and left me feeling small and entirely insignificant in the scheme of things. I was a voyeur, gazing on the sky’s most private moments. And I thought to myself how incredible that this thing of beauty was playing out above our heads while the world lay sleeping.

It was only later, in my meditation, that I came to appreciate the gift I’d been given. As a psychic I live in a world where I see frequent glimpses of what plays out as others are sleeping, their eyes shut to the truth and beauty of each fragile echoing moment. There is a grace that allows this to be so.

There is such a peace in my soul right now. I feel that I finally understand my place in the Universe.

Dawn’s broken. My meditation is done, and my blog is written. I am now off to make a cup of tea and to pour over old cookbooks and handwritten recipes on scraps of paper. I feel the need to cook something to offer up to you all.

Much love to you!

Nicole xx

Image by Captain Kimo
Image by Captain Kimo
Hi! I'm Nicole Cody. I am a writer, psychic, metaphysical teacher and organic farmer. I love to read, cook, walk on the beach, dance in the rain and grow things. Sometimes, to entertain my cows, I dance in my gumboots. Gumboot dancing is very under-rated.
Posts created 3154

9 thoughts on “That Big Ol’ Sky

  1. Nicole I am sooooo glad that you have finely accepted YOU . This gift you have is so special it could , deep within , be the answer to your health problems .
    I , to . have accepted myself for who I am . Sometimes I can find myself beating myself up over something or someone I ‘ SHOULD’ be …then there’s that little jolt ,that comes from somewhere deep within , telling me that I am all I need . Treasure that special YOU like I am beginning to treasure special ME .

  2. What a beautiful journey you took me in when I was reading you. How blessed we are all. How ungrateful I could sometimes be. Thanks Nicole !!!! hugs

  3. I was woken to the frenzied chorus of Noisy Miners. Something is bugging them, perhaps a python as they have been relentless for almost an hour, but is abating now. They must have run out of puff ! Yes it has been a bit pea-soupish of late. A perfect time to be inside drawing. It’s been lovely. I wonder what memories the recipes will awaken… my mind went to straight to a open pineapple pie my nan used to make, with an ‘in/out’ edge she made by making cuts every inch or so and folding alternate bits of the pasty in. We thought it was pretty cool and it tasted great too. xxx

  4. I love my early morning contemplation time. I sit inside though and do not see the sky, tomorrow I will find a spot where I can sit outside and type away, while watching the night sky slip slowly away….. Thank you for the inspiration. Wishing you a magical day. Arohanui

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