Why You Need Time for Yourself This Week! – Monday Oracle 20 February 2017

“Don’t die with your music still in you.”
~ Wayne Dyer


Hello, Lovelies.

It’s a big week ahead for putting your own needs front and centre in your life!

The oracle card I have chosen to guide us this week is ‘Service’ is from the Chakra Wisdom Oracle Deck by Tori Hartman.

If you read my forecast for February, you’ll remember that February is all about turning inwards, and tuning in to our own wants and needs, staying true to ourselves and our goals despite our fears or what other people may tell us. Keep that in the back of your mind as you read through the rest of this post.


So, what gifts does Service bring for you this week?

It’s a big wake-up call!

Usually (especially for Lightworkers and sensitive souls) our first thought when we think of service is to serve others.

This week, we are on notice that service must begin with us – we must look after ourselves and our own needs and dreams. This isn’t selfish. You cannot give to others from an empty cup. It’s important to fill your own cup first!

If you’re coming into this week already exhausted, take action to get this sorted out before exhaustion becomes burnout. Stubbornness might carry you through in the short-term, but if it is employed as a daily coping mechanism to push past fatigue or misery, it will never end well. Cut back your schedule. Cancel or rearrange things. Rest. Retreat. Take a ‘mental health’ day, or at least a few extra hours for yourself.


This week is a good time to plan for or take action on personal maintenance issues too. You know, those things that are so easy to put off, and put off… Your yearly health check or pap smear, a dental check-up, a haircut or shopping for new clothes or shoes, fixing that broken thing that you never quite get around to, getting your tax sorted. Let yourself be a priority for a change. Go do those things you’ve been avoiding or making a low priority while you run around after everyone else.

Service also reminds us that the last day of our lives is not the time to realise that we never lived true to ourselves and our dreams.  Putting the hopes, needs and dreams of other people before our own is part of the problem. When we constantly put others first, we instruct the Universe that it’s okay for us to be second best, and for our own needs to go unaddressed.

But is that really true? Are we really okay with that?

I love Wayne Dyer’s quote at the top of this page, ‘Don’t die with your music still inside you.’  We don’t know how much time we have. We don’t know what tomorrow will bring. So, if there’s something inside you that needs to be expressed or experienced don’t keep putting it off. Because we all run out of time. Make a start. Let go of grand plans and just begin.


Image from www.fustany.com
Image from www.fustany.com


Supportive crystals this week?

Carnelian will support you if you are tired, unwell or plain burned out! Add White Howlite to this if you are struggling with depression, anxiety or overwhelm. Just pop them in your pocket, or wear them somewhere on your body. They are also good to hold in meditation or to place under your pillow before sleep. And if you’re looking for a stone to help you commit time and action to your dreams, you can’t go past Ametrine!

Helpful essential oils? 

Young Living’s Joy or Common Sense essential oil blends, or  a combination (or singly!) of any of Rose, Rosemary, Lemon, Vetiver and Lavender. The Joy blend is fabulous if you are feeling anxious or uncertain, or a bit sad or stuck. It’s reassuring and uplifting; wonderful for gently shifting depression and self-doubt. I often wear it as a perfume. Common Sense oil is a super stress-buster that will help with allowing you to become clear about what you want, and to feel secure with your choices and decisions, especially around change. It’s my oil of choice in my diffuser this week.


Holding you, as always, in my thoughts, prayers and meditations, and intending for a you a life of abundance and joy, where you are no longer limited by your doubts.

All my love,

Nicole ❤ xx

‘Service’ is from the Chakra Wisdom Oracle Deck by Tori Hartman.  I use any oracle or tarot cards shown as a prompt for channelled messages and my own intuitive wisdom, so my take is sometimes quite different to the meaning found in a book or traditionally ascribed to a particular card.

Hi! I'm Nicole Cody. I am a writer, psychic, metaphysical teacher and organic farmer. I love to read, cook, walk on the beach, dance in the rain and grow things. Sometimes, to entertain my cows, I dance in my gumboots. Gumboot dancing is very under-rated.
Posts created 3154

12 thoughts on “Why You Need Time for Yourself This Week! – Monday Oracle 20 February 2017

  1. You posted this after my most recent post, yet it’s almost like you knew! I can relate to this so much right now. “Don’t die with your music still inside you.” My recent post explains more, but I had a bit of a wake up call toward the end of last week. Life is short and we just don’t know when our time is up. I also took charge and fixed my light switch yesterday! I’d be meaning to do it for a while. I also took time to clean my house properly, which is turn is making me feel better.

  2. This really helped me this morning – reminding me what I need to focus on. Thank you Nicole for your wisdom and sharing it with us xx

  3. Loved this. I am a “Hot Mess” as we say down here. Scheduling surgery this week , I run my own business and my second is not able to handle things. I needed this tonight. Going to get my oils now. Thank you

  4. ” When we constantly put others first, we instruct the Universe that it’s okay for us to be second best, and for our own needs to go unaddressed.” It is like you are talking to me in almost every thought you post. I need to start listening more….

  5. Hi Nicole
    I went to bed last night and listened to a meditation of yours, deciding to get up earlier this morning and meditate quietly before getting my boys ready for swimming, school etc. For the first time since school started they got up early too, and decided to have a sword fight in the living room! Spiritual practice is hard with young sons, but I love the direction that I am moving. Perhaps a meditation on achieving quiet in the chaos is in order! Love Anna

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