Managing your vibration – simple techniques for increasing intuition and awareness

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“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” 
~ Nikola Tesla

Our thoughts and emotions have a strong impact on our vibrationary level. Know what I mean by that?  Try this. Think of a time when someone or something really upset you.  Go back to that time and relive it in your mind.  Feel your body become tense and your heart rate increase.  Feel the anger or sadness or whatever other predominant emotion you may recall begin to flood your consciousness.

By invoking these thoughts and emotions you have consciously lowered your rate of vibration.  Negative self-talk will have the same effect.  Telling yourself that you are dumb, fat or not good enough rockets you into a lower vibration.  So does listening to people who talk down to you or show you a lack of love and respect.  Environments can have the same effect.  Is there anywhere or anyone that makes you feel uncomfortable?  Pay attention to how this affects your life, your thoughts and your actions.

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Close your eyes and think of a time when you have felt positive, successful, happy or victorious.  Feel the love of someone close, or of an adored pet.  Imagine a beautiful place or natural environment.  Notice how you begin to feel expansive, calm, happy, joyful and powerful.  This is you moving to a higher vibration.

You have done all of this just with the power of your mind!

Now that you understand how this works, you can begin to consciously work with this power to lift your vibration and help you feel good about yourself.  As our vibration raises we become more spiritually and psychically aware, and can more easily access our intuition and psychic gifts. It also enhances our body’s ability to heal.

Vibrationary triggers

Make a note in your journal of things you can use to help raise your conscious vibration.  Experiment with clothes, colours and food – see how these affect your mood and self-image.  What makes you smile?  Fresh flowers, a happy baby, a hug, a note from a friend, or maybe your favourite music?  Place things in your environment that are positive emotional triggers, and that hold happy memories or thoughts.  Practice telling yourself how much you love YOU (this can be a hard one – but keep trying!) and remind yourself of your good qualities and talents, no matter how small.  Remove items that have negative associations.  Whenever you find yourself feeling anxious or upset or angry STOP!  Breathe….  Centre yourself (see info below).  Remind yourself of the blessings in your life.  Tell yourself that you are powerful and that you choose how you live in this moment.  Breathe in LOVE and breathe out negativity.  It works!


Find a quiet place where you won’t be disturbed for at least ten minutes.  Sit or lie quietly and focus on your breathing.  Take slow, deep breaths.  Gradually you will feel yourself calming and becoming more relaxed.  You will have an awareness of your body and mind.  This is a meditation technique called ‘centering’.  Centering is all about bringing our conscious awareness back to a place of calm.  Feel your energy within your body.  You may want to visualise it as a white or golden ball of Light within your abdomen or around your heart.

Notice any tensions and consciously let go of them, encouraging deeper and deeper relaxation.  Know that any time, and at any place, you can bring your energy back to a place of centeredness just by taking a few conscious deep slow breaths and imagining that ball of Light within you.  When you are centred you call back all of your scattered energy, and it helps you to remain calm and to be in your Power.  Being centred encourages good decisions and fosters intuition and integrity.

We can’t control the world around us, but we can make conscious choices about what we choose to focus on, and what thoughts we fill our minds with.  It is worth the effort to manage our vibration – feeling good always leads to improvements and new opportunities in the world around us.

Sending you all good thoughts and intentions for you to move to a place of better flow and awareness. Nicole  xx

Hi! I'm Nicole Cody. I am a writer, psychic, metaphysical teacher and organic farmer. I love to read, cook, walk on the beach, dance in the rain and grow things. Sometimes, to entertain my cows, I dance in my gumboots. Gumboot dancing is very under-rated.
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8 thoughts on “Managing your vibration – simple techniques for increasing intuition and awareness

  1. Perfect timing as usual Nicole. I have noticed my habitual patterns of circling anger and bitterness a lot lately and wondering how I can break these patterns that I have dedicated myself to for so long. These are wonderful techniques that I will start practising as these emotional patterns are very tiring and unfulfilling. So much love and healing to you right now. You are in my prayers everyday and night. Pxxx

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