A Week Of Increasing Courage! Monday Oracle 30 April 2018

“Expose yourself to your deepest fear; after that, fear has no power, and the fear of freedom shrinks and vanishes. You are free.” 
Jim Morrison


Hello, Lovelies!

I know, I’ve been very quiet this last little while and I’ll tell you all about that in another post, but meanwhile let’s talk Monday Oracle! It’s the last day of April (so I’m wishing the happiest of birthdays to my sister, Simone) and it has been a month for the flow of new ideas and inspiration as well as sudden flashes of insight and clarity.

May is just around the corner, and this lovely oracle card –  Seeker of Crystals – links the energies of April with the blossoming energies of May in a week ahead that empowers you to take the long view of your goals, and to make decisions and take actions that support those goals.

Seeker of Crystals gift to you is courage this week. You’re reminded to tap into your own inner strength as you overcome your fears and vulnerabilities You might still feel scared, anxious, nervous or terrified! But the Lion walking his path shows you how to walk yours. Lift your head high, keep your eyes fixed on where you want to go and then just start.

Expect that as you bravely step out in a new direction, or pick yourself up and get back onto the road that you’ve been avoiding, signs and blessings will show you that you are indeed on the right path. As long as you don’t quit, know that you can succeed at this thing that is so important or dear to you.

Totally overwhelmed by the task in front of you? Small steps, small steps, small steps. Every single thing that has ever been achieved was completed because people took action and didn’t quit.

This is also an excellent week to write out your goal and targets, update your dream board and place them where you can look at them often. Use whatever you need to motivate yourself. Then let this positive energy and planning support you throughout May. Let it be a month where things change in your favour because YOU made it so!

Image from stylishlytidylife.com


Supportive crystals this week?

Clear Quartz (pictured) amplifies intuition and your ability to tune in to Universal and Personal Wisdom. It’s a great stone to enable you to understand at a soul level what you really need. Amazonite helps you to live bravely and from your heart, especially in regard to decisions and direction. It will boost self-confidence and self-worth. Orange Calcite connects you to inspiration and is a wonderful beginner stone for tuning in to the spiritual realms. It’s also great for all forms of creativity. Amethyst helps us to tune in to all forms of spiritual guidance and to make sound decisions.

Helpful essential oils?

This week I’m loving Young Living’s Valor essential oil blend. It’s great for releasing old ways and old thinking, and for finding the courage to move in new directions. The fragrance of Valor is soothing and grounding and I find that it brings me instant calm when I am anxious or afraid. You can also use Young Living’s Peace and Calming Blend if you don’t have Valor at hand!)

Apply it to your pulse points at wrist, neck and over heart like a perfume. Place a few drops in your bath water. Diffuse it. One of my favourite uses is as a centering and reassuring pick-me-up. Put a drop in the palm of your hand, rub hands together and then inhale the aroma. (Here’s a simple three-minute meditation you can do using Valor or any of your favourite essential oils – click here)

Need an extra boost of encouragement? Try Young Living’s Believe essential oil blend. It’s fabulous in your diffuser while you work, or as a quick pick-me-up with a three-minute meditation. Believe is uplifting and promotes confidence, spiritual connection, clarity and belief in ourselves. It also helps us to let go of fear, doubt and old emotional pain and hurt.  I often use this oil when I am creating, writing or journalling, or working with cards for myself. 

If you can’t access these oils then use Sandalwood, Ginger or Rosemary.

Looking for Valor, Peace and Calming or Believe blends? You can find the oils here.


Holding you, as always, in my thoughts, prayers and meditations, and intending for you a life of abundance and joy, where you are no longer limited by your doubts.

All my love,

Nicole ❤ xx

PS: Monday’s oracle card, ‘Seeker of Crystals’, is from the Inner Child Cards – A Fairy-Tale Tarot. I use any cards shown as a prompt for channelled messages and my own own intuitive wisdom, so my take is sometimes quite different to the meaning found in a book. 

Hi! I'm Nicole Cody. I am a writer, psychic, metaphysical teacher and organic farmer. I love to read, cook, walk on the beach, dance in the rain and grow things. Sometimes, to entertain my cows, I dance in my gumboots. Gumboot dancing is very under-rated.
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5 thoughts on “A Week Of Increasing Courage! Monday Oracle 30 April 2018

  1. I’m always amazed at what you do even though you have a chronic illness as I do. I find it difficult setting goals and I have kind of given up somewhat after 20 years of illness but I am going to copy out your More-Less list and use that as a guideline. Thanks for your inspiration Nicole.

  2. Hurray….so glad to hear from you Nicole…hope you feeling better now…pls focus on your self care too…sending you love & light !

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