Monday Oracle 25 February 2019

“Write it. Shoot it. Publish it. Crochet it, sauté it, whatever. MAKE.” ~ Joss Whedon

Hello, Lovelies!

As we slide towards March let’s use these last few days of February well. February is a month for action and self-empowerment – for taking your plans and turning them into goals, action steps and habits. It’s a month for speaking your truth and standing your ground. It’s a month for creating positive change, embracing your individuality and investing in yourself and your dreams. It’s a short month that packs a big punch. Keep that in mind as we look at the gifts of inspiration which the card Creation brings us.

This week Creation encourages us to get into our studios or art spaces and get our hands dirty as we craft, glue, paint and create. Or maybe we need to write every day, build a garden, renovate some furniture, knit the start of a new sweater, pull our website together, create a course or bake up a storm.

It’s not a week for thinking about art or planning the art we might make in the future. It’s not a week for endlessly talking about the art in our heads or our hearts. No. It’s a week for MAKING and CREATING.

Expect inspiration.

Expect creative clarity to come as you work on things. Just get started. Flow will come later.

Expect to power on through with someting new or an existing creative project.

And if you don’t have a project to work on? Time to sign up for some kind of class that excites or inspires you.

Supportive crystals this week?

Blue Lace Agate supports your Throat Chakra, helping you to find your voice and speak your truth. It’s a great stone for all forms of communication, and it also brings a sense of calm. Sunstone helps you to sit in a place of abundance thinking so that you see the blessings and possibilities in your life. Fluorite taps you into your innate creativity, fires up your inspiration and helps you to be honest, objective and innovative with your work. Orange Calcite (pictured) connects you to creativity, inspiration and your heart’s desires and helps you to develop confidence in yourself and your dreams. Use it to help you see your first steps forward.

Helpful essential oils?

Geranium is brilliant for helping you relax, unwind and get connected to your creative and intuitive essence. It will uplift you and stimulate creativity, self-confidence and emotional flow – all energies that are great for shifting you into a more positive space. If you’re an over-giver and your tank is dry, Geranium oil will fill you back up again. Apply it to your pulse points at wrist, neck and over heart like a perfume. Place a few drops in your bath water. Diffuse it. One of my favourite uses is as a centering and inspiring pick-me-up. Put a drop in the palm of your hand, rub hands together and then inhale the aroma.

I’m passionate about essential oils and their capacity to support our wellness journey and our spiritual and emotional wellbeing. If you’d like to know more or want to source the oils I recommend and trust visit this site or contact me at

Want to make the most of your year in 2019?

I have limited hard copies of my beautiful YOM 2019 Planner left. And plenty of copies of the digital version. If you purchase one, or one of the Planner packs (that also have new year direction readings, meditation malas or crystals with them) I’ll gift you a month’s free access to my community and membership site (and a chance to win a year’s free membership!) so you can experience my work, and be well supported in the year ahead. Membership to my online group, courses and YOM community – by subscription or a yearly fee – is also available

You can access the Membership, Planner and Planner Packs here in our store or read more about them here.

Guided Meditation Bundle

I’ve bundled together four powerful guided downloadable meditations and created a companion workbook to support you in your spiritual journey. The Stardust Connection Meditation Bundle will help you to connect with and explore Earth Energies, Ancestor Energies, your Solar Plexus energies and personal power, and the Stardust Energies. There is over an hour’s worth of Guided Meditations and a 38-page workbook. The workbook holds specific instructions for using the four guided meditations, as well as journalling activities and reflection/awareness exercises.

The material in the Stardust Connection Meditation Bundle can be used at any time over the next four years, and beyond. My intention with this bundle is to help you become confident in your direction, your intuition, and your contribution to the unfolding history of the world and humanity. To access the bundle or to learn more about it go to my store or click on this link.

Craft A Visionary Talisman

This online course will help you to select a guiding card for the year ahead, or for a specific project, and then create and activate a Visionary Talisman to anchor helpful energies and qualities to guide and support you in your daily life. It’s practical shamanism, and you’ll learn a range of skills to support you on your spiritual journey. (Of course, if you’re a member of the YOM community you have access to this course for free!) For more information click here or go to my store.

Wishing you a transformative and uplifting week of action. Aim high, give it your best shot, and no matter what you do, have fun with your creative spirit and get DO-ing!

Lots of love, Nicole ❤ xx

PS: Monday’s oracle card, ‘Creation’, is from the Peace Oracle. I use any cards shown as a prompt for channelled messages and my own own intuitive wisdom, so my take is sometimes quite different to the meaning found in a book. 

Hi! I'm Nicole Cody. I am a writer, psychic, metaphysical teacher and organic farmer. I love to read, cook, walk on the beach, dance in the rain and grow things. Sometimes, to entertain my cows, I dance in my gumboots. Gumboot dancing is very under-rated.
Posts created 3154

4 thoughts on “Monday Oracle 25 February 2019

    1. That’s great! If you post pics on instagram or Facebook tag us in so we can see them!!! 😘💕🙏

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