The Bad But Useful Dream

“The future depends on what you do today.” 
Mahatma Gandhi

I had a disturbing dream last week. One of those dreams where I knew it was more than just a dream, even as I was dreaming it. I was night flying, like my Aboriginal Aunties had shown me, but this was in a dream state, not in a meditation – which is my usual way for getting into that space.

I flew over a house that seemed familiar and suddenly I found myself inside. I was invisible to the occupants there and I could move through walls or furniture as though they were made of smoke. (On reflection, maybe it was me that was less than solid!)

The house was in darkness, it was late and almost everyone was in bed except for a man, who was standing at the kitchen sink, the refrigerator door still open, as he poured and drank a large glass of milk. I knew that man! He and his wife are clients and friends. He’s a doctor and he had just come home from late night rounds at the hospital where he works on rotation. I watched silently as he drank, and I saw how tired he was, and how rundown.

More than that, I saw a small hard round lump under the skin on the right side of his throat, and I watched it move as he drank. That lump wasn’t anything good. My heart plummeted. I knew I’d have to say something.

The next morning I woke with the dream still clear in my head. As soon as it was a respectable hour I called the man and we exchanged a few pleasantries, after which I said, ‘I’m worried about you. Can you feel a lump in your thyroid?’

‘F*ck’, he said to me. ‘I can feel something, it’s small but I can feel it. As soon as I heard your voice I knew this wasn’t a social call. It’s thyroid cancer, isn’t it?’

‘I think you should get it checked out,’ I said steadily. ‘Please.’

‘Yeah, I will,’ he promised. ‘Thanks for the call.’

He called me yesterday to update me. He’s already had the surgery and it was cancer. The good news is that it was contained and hasn’t spread beyond the thyroid. We caught it in time. His prognosis is excellent. Meanwhile, he and his wife are taking some time out to re-evaluate their lives and put some plans in place to slow down and ‘live a bit more’ after the shock of this unexpected news.

It was a bad dream with a good result!

Living as a psychic isn’t easy, but it’s worth it for moments like these. Please look after yourselves, look after your health, and take time out to slow down and rest – this is your one precious life and your well-being matters.

Much love, Nicole ❤ xx

Hi! I'm Nicole Cody. I am a writer, psychic, metaphysical teacher and organic farmer. I love to read, cook, walk on the beach, dance in the rain and grow things. Sometimes, to entertain my cows, I dance in my gumboots. Gumboot dancing is very under-rated.
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11 thoughts on “The Bad But Useful Dream

  1. Often I’d get a phone call when I was on the edge of a low glucose and was ‘rescued’. You not only saw something, but you helped him. That’s you. 💕💕 you see, you help, you live your life fully. Bless you!

  2. Night flying dearest, just awoke from a dream here in France. After brief instant of realization and an inability to shake it, the natural thing to do occurred to me,consult your latest post and see what’s up down under! Thank you for your work and continued support to all your readers!

  3. Blessings to you, for being you, and for your ability to do the wonderful things you do. Much love and gratitude from over in the West. Xxx

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