Christmas Oracle 2019 – My Gift To You!

“A wonderful gift may not be wrapped as you expect.”

~ Jonathan Lockwood Huie

Hello Lovelies,

So here we are – another Christmas is upon us.

It’s a joyful time for some, and a trying time for others, and I wanted to acknowledge that, and to remind you that there is always a place here at my table for you. I’m sending you love this Christmas, and remembering you in my thoughts, prayers and meditations.

Now, come sit down with me. Let me pour you a cup of tea while I tell you how glad I am to have you in my life. I’m so grateful to have you as part of our community as we share this journey of life together. Thank you!

A cup of tea for us, under the Jacaranda tree here at my farm!

Once again I have created an oracle for you. The very first one I ever posted was The Healing Power of Flowers and Fairy Blessings.  We offered a selection of flowers for you to choose from, and each flower came with a message – a mini-reading if you will. It was so well received that I’ve been creating oracles for you ever since.

Today I’m so pleased to offer you another of my Magical Oracles! This time, I’d like you to choose the Christmas Gift that appeals to you the most. Then take your time to unwrap it and receive its message and blessings for you.

Instructions for using today’s post

Scroll down through the following Christmas Gift images and then let yourself come back to the one you are most drawn to.

When you have chosen your gift, scroll further down for your oracle message. Trust that what you most need to know is exactly what you shall choose.

Wherever you are, and whatever your faith and beliefs, I wish you peace today and the days ahead, and joy in your heart. Know that you are loved. Know that you matter to me. I intend only the best for you, and that 2020 be a year that is richly satisfying and filled with love and kindness.

Love and Light,

Nicole ❤ xx

Let the Christmas Blessings Begin…

1. ♥ Pine Cone Gift

2. ♥ Bag of Treats Gift

3. ♥ Cupcakes Gift

4.  Golden Gift

5. ♥ Magical Owl Gift

6. ♥ Jolly Holly Gift

7. ♥ Happy Elf Gift

8.  Handmade-paper Wrapped Gift

♥ Your Gift’s Message ♥

Each Christmas Gift has a message for you for the year ahead. I have also selected a crystal to best support the message and energies of your chosen gift.  You could wear or hold this crystal, pop it in your pocket, under your pillow or beside your bed. (If you’d like to know more about working with crystals click here) The Power Word is a word to remind yourself of the quality you most need and that you are strongly attracting right now.  You can turn it into your own personal mantra by saying “I choose ___________ ” (insert your Power Word). Your Magical Healing Environment is a place or activity you’ll find supportive and healing.

1. ♥ Pine Cone Gift  The Rustic Star Gift heralds major healing and improvements in your  physical and emotional well-being in 2020. You’ll be able to tune in to the wisdom of your body, and will naturally begin to prefer the foods, exercise and other support that best suits your individual needs. You’ll find the right practitioners and advice, and feel a resurgence in energy and mental clarity over the months ahead. You’ll become stronger and comfortable within your own skin. This newfound health will become the foundation for so many other breakthroughs and advances in your life. ♥ Best Crystal  – CARNELIAN  ♥ Power Word –TRANSFORMATION ♥ Magical Healing Environment – Fresh Air to fill your lungs, to energise you with the sun and healing vibrations of the natural environment, and to get blood pumping through your body as you move around. Resting and meditating in nature is fabulous for you too!

2. ♥ Bag of Treats Gift This is a year rich in blessings for you. It’s a year of connection, community, abundance, love, prosperity and peace. Problems drop away. Struggle drops away. A deeply satisfying year as you reconnect with what truly matters to you, and as your goals and dreams begin to manifest into reality. ♥ Best Crystal – RUTILATED QUARTZ ♥ Power Word – CONNECTION ♥ Magical Healing Environment – Time with loved ones and friendsTime with Uplifting Others. Time for socialising, connecting, celebrating and sharing. Time with mentors, teachers and successful, positive peers. Time on projects, goals and dreams that are important to you.

3. ♥ Cupcakes Gift This is a year of the heart for you. 2020 is a year rich in love, connection, friendship and community. It’s a year to find your soulmate, or to heal and deepen an existing relationship. A year for the blessings of family. It’s a year for creating heartspace and sanctuary. If you’re happily on your own it’s a year for connecting with your own wise soul, with God or with a friend or pet who will truly care for and understand you. A year of emotional blessings and love. ♥ Best Crystal – GARNET  ♥ Power Word – UNION  ♥ Magical Healing Environment – Time with loved ones. This could be a shared meal, time away together, phone calls or online connections. It’s time for yourself and time for your important relationships. Time to make your house a home. It’s time for your spiritual journey and for communion with Spirit, God or whatever else you know that guiding energy as.

4. ♥ Golden Gift This is your year for bravely sharing your talents and gifts with the world. A deeply creative year of flow and inspiration, and of finding the drive within you to churn out the work from a place of passion rather than of duty or fear. A fantastic year for becoming more openly and authentically you, and for being accepted and loved for who you are. Super for all forms of creativity and innovation. A year for breakthroughs and elevation to the next level. A wonderfully productive year, accompanied by great ideas and clear direction. ♥ Best Crystal – CITRINE  ♥ Power Word – GROWTH ♥ Magical Healing Environment – Time spent in the company of people who share your passions and who can ignite new ideas and commitment within you. Think books, seminars, webinars and courses. Think mentors and communities. Think learning environments and knowledge-sharing spaces.

5. ♥ Magical Owl Gift This is a year of continued spiritual growth and evolution for you. A year for living from a highly intuitive place of flow and connection. A healing space of oneness with all. It’s a year for profound insights, connection to Spirit and an awakening of your deepest psychic and intuitive abilities. This is a powerful time for healing for you right now. A time to get your body, mind and spirit back in balance. A time of drawing inwards for a while, in order to emerge renewed, healed, empowered and reinvigorated even as you connect to other supportive and like-minded people. It’s a year for guidance, healing and breakthroughs that will positively and permanently alter the course of your life. ♥ Best Crystal – LABRADORITE  ♥ Power Word – EVOLUTION ♥ Magical Healing Environment – Quiet time to connect you to Self and God (or whatever you call source energy) Journalling, meditation, working with oracle and tarot cards, prayer and self-reflection. Time in sacred places. Time in the majesty of nature. Time with Elders and Spiritual Teachers and Leaders. Time for study. Time to connect with your Guides, Angels, Ancestors and God.

6. ♥ Jolly Holly Gift  This year is fabulous for all forms of learning and study, and for self-development. A year to deepen wisdom, and to expand your mind. A year to master skills. A year for philosophy and deep thinking. A year to truly understand who you are and why you are here. A year that shows you where your life is headed. A year where you will find a deep sense of connection to a path forward or a way to be of service in using your talents and gifts. A year of finding your calling ♥ Best Crystal – AMETHYST ♥ Power Word – WISDOM  ♥ Magical Healing Environment – Time for thinking, studying and learning.  Libraries, online courses, universities and schools, mastermind groups, workshops and conferences will work well for you this year. Setting up a study or writing space at home will be useful. Find time for long walks in nature, and for meditation too.

7. ♥ Happy Elf Gift  This year returns you back into the flow of life after too much time on your own. A time to slow down and simplify, a time to connect or reconnect with friends and family, and to make new relationships. This is a year all about relationships, connection and enjoyment of everyday life. A nourishing and enjoyable year that sees you develop or deepen relationships that will last the rest of your life. ♥ Best Crystal – RUBY IN ZOISITE ♥ Power Word – HEARTSPACE ♥ Magical Healing Environment – Anywhere you can spend time with people you love and doing things you love.  Coffee with friends, weekend picnics, holidays away, date nights, dinner parties, making music, making art, making love, family time, reunions, travel and socialising – all of these are good for you this year.

8. ♥ Handmade-paper Wrapped Gift This is a year of creative practice and self-expression. This could be renovating your home, writing a book, starting art classes, or putting the things you have made out into the world for others to buy or appreciate. It’s a year for working from your heart, and pouring your heart and soul into everything you do. A year to blossom your creative and life direction, and to deepen your appreciation of your unique individuality and gifts.  Best Crystal – SUNSTONE   Power Word –CREATIVITY ♥ Magical Healing Environment – Your studio, office, workspace or project area. This year you need a combination of inspiration and dedication. Be inspired by other artists or innovators. Take classes. Learn and then stretch yourself in the application of that learning. Spend time creating/making/designing and working on creative projects too. Dedicate yourself to your art or projects. Make them a priority in 2020 and watch how your life changes!

Hi! I'm Nicole Cody. I am a writer, psychic, metaphysical teacher and organic farmer. I love to read, cook, walk on the beach, dance in the rain and grow things. Sometimes, to entertain my cows, I dance in my gumboots. Gumboot dancing is very under-rated.
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6 thoughts on “Christmas Oracle 2019 – My Gift To You!

  1. Dearest Nicole ~ thank you for the wonderful Oracle gift. Such a beautiful gesture on your part. I’ve never met you yet I feel I know you thru your inspiring & entertaining blogs. And I love you to bits. You’re the most darling soul … so special because you bless the lives of so many with your wonderful wisdom & creativity. Thank you for the gift of you this Christmas season. Wishing you & yours a festive season filled with peace, love, friendship, laughter, light-filled soul time and bright blessings. Lots of love, Sue xx

  2. I chose number 8 and how very apt for me 🙂
    Thank you xxx

    Wishing you a Happy Christmas. I hope your holiday has brought you some rest and relaxation and I look forward to what 2020 is going to bring.

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