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Shifts in Season


I cannot endure to waste anything so precious as autumnal sunshine by staying in the house.

[Notebook, Oct. 10, 1842]
― Nathaniel Hawthorne

Hey, Lovelies.

Finally, it feels like Autumn.

Here on the tropical Sunshine Coast in Australia, Autumn is a gentle season. The air is drier. The sky has shifted from deep blue to a lighter blue, there is a silvery slant to the light, and while the days are warm (sometimes even hot) the nights are cooling just a little. Even better? Sunsets become spectacular.
It’s my favourite time of year. The ocean is still warm enough for swimming, most of the tourists have gone, and the days feel clean and fresh and welcoming.

I dug out my slippers and dressing gown last night. I have extra blankets ready for the bed. The days are becoming shorter, and I’m beginning to think about soups and warming evening meals instead of salads. When we head up to the Dawn Service for Anzac Day next Tuesday I’m thinking I’ll need boots and possibly a beanie. It’s not cold by most people’s standards – cold here is when you add a beanie to your shorts and t-shirt, or possibly a hoodie or jumper. On a brisk Autumn morning we might need long pants. In winter we might get as far as jeans, boots, scarf and jumper for the early mornings or evenings. And that’s fine by me.

Here’s to more beautiful Autumn weather and amazing gold and pink sunsets, love and hugs, Nicole xx


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