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Cream of Celery Soup Recipe

2013-04-13 17.29.25

“The thought of two thousand people crunching celery at the same time horrified me.” 
~ George Bernard Shaw

Poor George! It’s quite the visual, isn’t it.  Perhaps even worse than zombies…

Still, I digress.  Today it’s all about soup.  Soup is my go-to when I’m feeling poorly.  Easy to make, easy to eat, and you get leftovers, which keep you going when you’re in that place of needing to eat and having no energy for cooking.

This is my current twist on that good old standard, Cream of Celery Soup. I’ve tweaked the recipe slightly to get some extra good stuff in there, namely coconut oil and tumeric. These two simple ingredients lift the humble celery soup into a powerhouse of anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial goodness – perfect for warding off colds and flu bugs, and for boosting your energy and immune system. And it’s super for Lyme sufferers to help kick those borrelia bacteria suckers to the kerb!

Here’s what you’ll need:

Ingredients to serve 6 (can easily be halved for a smaller portion)

1 large bunch of celery, 4 cloves of garlic, one large or two small brown onions, 2 to 3 potatoes, 6 cups of chicken stock or vegan friendly vegetable stock, 1 tablespoon of tumeric, 1 tablespoon of coconut oil and one tablespoon of butter or ghee (vegans just use extra coconut oil!), 3/4 cup of milk, cream or soy milk (your vegan option).  To serve: plain yogurt (vegans – try coconut yogurt for a heavenly flavour combo!), cracked black pepper, chopped fresh herbs such as garlic chives, parsley, or coriander (cilantro).


Cut the base from the celery and wash the stalks well.  Remove any bruised or damaged leaves.  Then cut the celery stalks, leaves and heart into small pieces. Peel the potatoes and chop into small segments.

Chop your garlic and onion, and add them to the base of a very large saucepan with the coconut oil and ghee. Cook over a low heat for a few minutes until they are softened but not coloured.  Now add in the potato, stirring to coat well with the oil, and then add the celery. Cook the vegetables over medium heat for five to ten minutes until they begin to soften, stirring every so often so they don’t catch on the bottom.

Pour in your stock, bring to the boil and then reduce heat to a simmer and cook for twenty minutes.

Cool and then use a stick blender or a food processor to blend until smooth or to your liking.

Return soup to pot. At this point, taste your soup. If you’re looking for a more traditional Cream of Celery Soup then omit the tumeric.  If you’re looking for extra complexity of flavour and a health kick, add in the tumeric, stirring well, and gently reheat. Add the milk or cream and adjust seasoning.

To serve, ladle into bowls, add a spoonful of yogurt, a sprinkle of fresh herbs and a dusting of cracked pepper.  Can be enjoyed on its own, or with a good bread.

This soup is filling, warming and nourishing without being too heavy.  It’s medicine in a bowl, and I can attest to it tasting good as it does you good.  Enjoy!

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