Site icon Cauldrons and Cupcakes

Retro Party Food Catering For the Non-Cook

Carly and me and the Retro Seventies Pineapple ‘Horses Doovers’ Tower

“It is easy to decide on what is wrong to wear to a party, such as deep-sea diving equipment or a pair of large pillows, but deciding what is right is much trickier.” 
Lemony Snicket, The Slippery Slope


Are you a party-goer who can’t cook?

Or perhaps you are thinking of a retro-themed get-together with some family or friends? And you are also a domestic disaster or perhaps completely lacking any kind of kitchen equipment beyond a sharpish knife.

Never fear, we have the solution!

My dear friend Carly and I lost a friend suddenly some years ago. Kate was hilarious, madly individual, and the most horrendous cook I have ever met. Nothing she made ever turned out. She mostly lived on fruit, minute noodles, cheese and bread. But she has two dishes for which she was famous – a gala savoury creation she called her ‘Horses Doovers (Hors D’oeuvres)Tower’ which is a Retro 1970s pineapple studded with canapes, and ‘Cupcake Kebabs’.

In honour of Kate’s life and friendship Carly and I recently whipped these up for a very special celebration, and they were very well received.

So, if you can’t cook to save your life but still want to impress at your next party, try Kate’s recipes. You and your food will be a hit!

Sending big Retro hugs to you, Nicole ❤ xx


Horses Doovers Tower



Thread toothpicks with a selection of ingredients, one of which must be cheese. Leave space at either end of the toothpick. Press toothpick into pineapple. Cover entire surface of pineapple and then add some additional filled toothpicks to the serving plate at the base of the pineapple. Serve with your favourite party drinks, music and disco dancing.

Cupcake Kebabs


Thread cakes, wafers and marshmallows onto skewers. Pile onto a platter and serve with champagne or cups of tea.


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