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Byron Bay Bluesfest – An Easter Tradition

“If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph: 
― Kurt Vonnegut

“One good thing about music, when it hits you, you feel no pain.” 
― Bob Marley

Sorry, I’m late posting today.  Big night out for me last night, and there are a few more to come! I have a crowded house, and a fantastic Easter filled with live music, groovin’ and living life loud. Why? Bluesfest, of course!

I first discovered blues when the movie The Blues Brothers came out.  I was twelve years old, and the soundtrack was a revelation.

I was already in love with jazz thanks to a great teacher at my primary school, so Miles Davis, Louis Armstrong, Dizzie Gillespie and Duke Ellington were my heroes. Within a short period of time I was listening to some of the blues greats; Bessie Smith, Ray Charles, James Brown, John Lee Hooker and Muddy Waters.

There was something about blues music that spoke to my soul.

So one of my greatest delights is that we have a world class music festival, Byron Bay Bluesfest, right on my doorstep every Easter.

Cigarbox Guitar impromptu jam - Bluesfest 2012

It’s become a ritual for us..  Music-loving friends arrive on our doorstep to stay for a few days, beds are hastily added to every corner of our small house, and the fridge and pantry groan with extra food and grog. We spend our first dinner together debating the various tents and acts, playing excerpts from the Bluesfest website or our own music collections, and marking up our programs.

A mate who drives the booze bus for the local bowlo (Lawn Bowls Club) acts as our chariot each day, dropping us off and picking us up. So we share rowdy breakfasts together over music at home, or at one of the local cafes in Bangalow, and then head off to Bluesfest for an afternoon and evening of music, dancing, festival food and fun.

Every day there are new musical delights. They fuel the music-filled conversations we’ll have over the next few days.

One of my new favourites? Seth Lakeman. That’s him in the video below. He had us all dancing before the end of the first song, and we danced til the last!


Come Monday we are always wrecked, but in the best of ways.

Each year there are new discoveries. Each year there are some of our old favourites. And each year we laugh, dance and celebrate all that is good about music and friendship.

Last night I also danced my little feet off to the sensational Earth, Wind and Fire who opened with this crowd pleasing classic.  And I have to say they were even BETTER than their original version.


Rock me, Baby, until I want no more…

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