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My third Blog Award – The Sunshine Award

I’ve been nominated for the Sunshine Award by a lovely blogger!

The Sunshine Award

The rules of this Blog Award are: Include the Award’s logo in a post or on your blog
. Answer 10 questions about yourself. 
Nominate 10-12 other fabulous bloggers. 
Link your nominees to the post and comment on their blogs, letting them know they have been nominated. 
Share the love and link the person who nominated you!

So here are my question answers:

  1. What are your favorite things to do? No secret here…  Writing, cooking, meditating and doing spiritual/psychic work, uplifting people, hanging out on my farm, swimming in the ocean, travelling. Oh, that’s rather a lot, isn’t it, and I have barely gotten started.  Let’s just say I am in love with life.
  2. Where would you most like to travel to? I’m quite fascinated by Istanbul (I even blogged about it here), but right at this minute I’d be back in Thailand in a heartbeat, enjoying the food, the atmosphere, the beautiful people, and the incredible massages.
  3. Who would you most like to meet who is still living?I’d love to have His Holiness, the Dalai Lama around for a cup of tea and a chat. I have quite a few questions to ask him.
  4. Who would you most like to meet who has passed away? This is a toss up between Jesus, Mary Magdalene, Buddha and Shakespeare. I think all four at a dinner party would be fascinating. And myself from any past life – now that would be cool!
  5. What do you think is the hardest thing to do? Self work – honestly exploring, understanding and bettering yourself. But I also think it is worth it.
  6. What is your motto? Hmmm.  I would say that ‘kindness’ is my religion, and that ‘It’s all good’ would be my motto. Life is meant to be savoured in the fullest, every beautiful moment, every nuance of light and dark. It’s all good…
  7. What is your favourite charity? No favourites, although I support a number. In the end I think we all need to share a sense of compassion and kindness with those around us, including animals and the earth.
  8. What are you proud of? I’m proud of all of my wonderful clients who have embraced their heart’s calling!
  9. What ambition do you still have? To be a successful published author. (More than once… LOL!)
  10. Your favourite flower? I have two.  Gardenias remind me of my grandmother, and I love the heady fragrance of those first summer Jasmine flowers.

Bloggers I nominate (and that I hope you visit!) are:
  1.  Lorna’s Tearoom Delights – because, well, it’s about tearooms, and tea and cakes and life in Scotland and all things good.
  2. istopforsuffering – for its kindness, compassion and gentle spirit
  3. Sweet Mother – because she makes me laugh often, cry sometimes and think always
  4. Veggiewitch – Earth Mother, Veggie and Vegan Food Queen, Kind Spirit, Big Heart
  5. Nikky’s Strength and Weakness – Soulful writing about life, straight from the heart
  6. an unrefined vegan – for healthy, cruelty-free, soul nurturing recipes delivered with charm and intelligence
  7. Source of Inspiration – Poetry, pictures, heart-felt musings and wonders that uplift and inspire
  8. Onida Merlyn – for some beautiful metaphyical writings
  9. Fierce Buddhist – haiku, buddhist thoughts, philosophy and friendship – lovely!
  10. coolcookstyle – because this girl cooks YUM food, and she’s funny, cool and kind
  11. Inspire ‘Til You Expire – positive messages, lots of gratitude and good uplifting stuff
  12. LadyRomp – empowering and inspiring women
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