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Why I Know The Universe Supports My New Friday Scheme


“These are the days that must happen to you.”
~ Walt Whitman


I decided recently, as part of my yearly Year of ME Planning Summit, to make Fridays ‘Ben and Nicole Days’.

I already have ‘Unplugged Sundays’. I started that last year, and it has been one of the best things I’ve ever done.

This year ‘Ben and Nicole Friday’ has been added into the mix. Ben’s always helping me out, or bending his days to fit around me. Fridays are now about me doing that with and for him. It’s a day where I will spend the day with my husband, doing whatever he needs me to do, or whatever we decide on collectively. This will help us to get some writing projects done, and some collaborative schemes. It gives us time for tidying and sorting and doing tax and working on our businesses and finance.

So, how did our very first ‘Ben and Nicole Friday’ go?

Well, we started with bloodtests for me. Lots and lots of bloodtests. Not so exciting. But necessary. After that the day was all uphill.

There was a trip to town. Coffee and croissants. Swims. Writing time. Naps in the air-conditioning because HEATWAVE just now in Australia!

Then the neighbours came round for a late afternoon swim in the pool.

Which turned into drinks and dinner.

And then this.

I’m liking Fridays already. 😀

How about you? Are you making sure you’ve got time for what matters this year?

Lots of love, Nicole xx


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