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Counting Down The Hours


Though the doctors treated him, let his blood, and gave him medications to drink, he nevertheless recovered.
― Leo Tolstoy

Hey, Lovelies.

Two more pills. That’s all I have to take to be done with this first brutal round of drugs to treat the infection that is causing problems for my mitral valve. My poor old heart – I love it enough to take these foul medicines, and my blood tests show they are doing some good, but gee, it’s cruel. (I won’t bore you with the details, but from dose one it hasn’t been pretty.)

That’s okay, I keep telling myself as I count down the doses. Every pill I take is one less in the bottle. And so it goes. Now there is only one pill left in each of the two main bottles for round one.

Just two more pills.

I took two this morning.

I will take two this evening.

Then the bottles will be empty.

And then I rest, and my team reassess, and decide what to do next.

It was meant to be six weeks of this regime, but I just can’t function like this. I am hoping my docs agree, and if my results are good and the infection has been sufficiently knocked back, that I can change out to some easier drugs that aren’t quite so hard on the system.

I’m determined to go back to herbal protocols when these drugs are done. Herbs can still be tough, but nothing like this.

Back in the day, how did I ever do 3 years of this kind of awfulness?

I won’t think about that. It doesn’t pay to dwell.
Hopefully after today I will start trending up again, and will soon be feeling more human.

Fingers crossed.
Love, a tricky-dicky heart, and my fiercest #LymeWarrior determination, Nicole xx

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