Hot Buttered Apples with Tumeric and Ginger

“Do your little bit of good where you are; it’s those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.” ~ Desmond Tutu This sounds like a tasty and warming dessert, right? Well, it is, and if that’s how you want to enjoy it, go right ahead, It’s yummy and good for you. But […]

Warm Spiced Turmeric Milk Recipe

“Each spice has a special day to it. For turmeric it is Sunday, when light drips fat and butter-colored into the bins to be soaked up glowing, when you pray to the nine planets for love and luck.” ~ Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni, The Mistress of Spices Turmeric Milk is a traditional Ayurvedic drink, often called by the wonderful […]

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