The Best Blog Was The One I Didn’t Write!

“Have you ever seen the dawn? Not a dawn groggy with lack of sleep or hectic with mindless obligations and you about to rush off on an early adventure or business, but full of deep silence and absolute clarity of perception? A dawning which you truly observe, degree by degree. It is the most amazing […]

Another late-night psychic Emergency…

“But life inevitably throws us curve balls, unexpected circumstances that remind us to expect the unexpected. I’ve come to understand these curve balls are the beautiful unfolding of both karma and current.” ~ Carre Otis I’m on ‘Week On’ of my heavy-duty lyme meds til Thursday. So I’ve been in bed early every night. Last night I […]

Cow wisdom and farm life

Late yesterday afternoon, just as the cicadas started singing, just as the light began to soften, my favourite old cow, 767, came up to the fence and called me. We have a special connection, her and me.  She is eighteen now, old for a cow, and an illogical keep, but I cannot get rid of […]

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