Get Help, Let Go, Move Ahead – Monday Oracle 5 October 2020

Accept yourself, love yourself, and keep moving forward. If you want to fly, you have to give up what weighs you down. Roy T. Bennett Hello, Lovelies! October energies support sustainability, and finding healing for, and solutions to, our problems . Keep that in mind as we explore the gifts that this oracle card from […]

A Time To Serve – Monday Oracle 25 May 2020

“I don’t know what your destiny will be, but one thing I know: the only ones among you who will be really happy are those who have sought and found how to serve.” Albert Schweitzer Hello, Lovelies! May is a month for speaking your truth, for standing up for what matters, for action, and for […]

Energies of August 2019

Hello, Lovelies! At the beginning of every month, I discuss the energies and gifts of the month ahead and how we can best use them to make our lives satisfying, meaningful and productive. I also choose a card to support the energies of the month. The deck I am using this year is The Good Tarot by […]

Monday Oracle 29 July 2019

“Shame is a soul eating emotion.” ~ Carl Gustav Jung Hello, Lovelies! July is a powerful month, bringing insight and empowerment. It’s a month for understanding what is holding you back and keeping you trapped. It’s a month for honestly identifying and owning any addictions, self-destructive or self-sabotaging behaviours, and damaging relationships (with people, beliefs or situations). July also gifts you the clarity, energy and […]

Claim Your Personal Power – Monday Oracle 8 July 2019

“Incredible change happens in your life when you decide to take control of what you do have power over instead of craving control over what you don’t.” ~ Steve Maraboli Hello, Lovelies! July is a powerful month, bringing insight and empowerment. It’s a month for understanding what is holding you back and keeping you trapped. It’s a month for honestly identifying and owning […]

A Week For Positive Transformation – Monday Oracle 23 July 2018

“The most important journey you will take in your life will usually be the one of self transformation. Often, this is the scariest because it requires the greatest changes, in your life.” ~  Shannon L. Alder   Hello, Lovelies! July’s energies are so heart-full! They are all about love and togetherness. Make sure you find […]

A Week For Hope and New Directions – Monday Oracle 28 May 2018

“Everything you attract into your life is a reflection of the story you believe and keep telling yourself.”  ~ Farshad Asl   Hello, Lovelies! May is a month that empowers us to take the long view of our goals, and to make decisions and take actions that support those goals. We see that it is […]

A Big Week For Change and Healing – Monday Oracle 21 May 2018

“I can love who I think you are Or you can allow yourself To be yourself So that I can love YOU.”  ― Kate McGahan   Hello, Lovelies! May is a month that empowers you to take the long view of your goals, and to make decisions and take actions that support those goals. We see […]

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