The Strange Goodbye

“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” ~ Benjamin Franklin Not long now, lovelies, and I’ll be on a plane. Usually, post-Retreat is a blur for me. I’m always the kind of exhausted that makes moving impossible, let alone thinking or talking. My normal post-Retreat plan is three days of solid sleep. But […]

The Decision Not To Plant

We are the first generation to feel the sting of climate change, and we are the last generation that can do something about it. Jay Inslee Hello, Lovelies. When we first moved to Byron Bay, fleeing eleven years of drought on our organic farm in Queensland, the locals laughed that they called it a drought […]

Hay, Hay, Hay – it’s a drought!

“Without water, life would just be rock.”  ~ Anthony T. Hincks   It’s been a strange winter. I can count the number of really cold days on my fingers. Mostly it has been as warm as spring, and sometimes warm as summer. No-one jokes about global warming anymore. It’s here, and the evidence is all around […]

Was it all a dream?

“Yesterday is but today’s memory, and tomorrow is today’s dream.”~ Khalil Gibran It’s 5am. I woke this morning in my own bed. The cool dawn air from the windows flung wide is fragranced with lemon blossom, jasmine, green grass and rich earth. It’s a lush smell. A rich smell. So dense I can almost hold it […]

In Search of Greener Pastures…

“I think we are bound to, and by, nature. We may want to deny this connection and try to believe we control the external world, but every time there’s a snowstorm or drought, we know our fate is tied to the world around us.”~ Alice Hoffman There’s not a lick of moisture in the air out […]

Celebrating Nana’s Birthday

“What children need most are the essentials that grandparents provide in abundance.  They give unconditional love, kindness, patience, humor, comfort, lessons in life.  And, most importantly, cookies.”  ~ Rudolph Giuliani My beloved Nana and I were always the ‘September Girls’, her birthday being the 2nd and mine the sixth. It was a special club the […]

Rain is better than drought…

I love a sunburnt country, A land of sweeping plains, Of ragged mountain ranges, Of droughts and flooding rains. ~ From ‘My Country‘ by Dorothea Mackellar We endured eight hard years of drought at our old farm –  a cattle property in the Lockyer Valley. Slowly the grass turned brittle as straw and the dams […]

Drought, Poetry and Roses

Today’s post is inspired by a flower – a single rose blooming in my garden. Bless that rose, and all she means to me… A few years ago we weathered eight years of the most horrendous drought. Our farm in the Lockyer Valley was baked brown, and it seemed surreal to be without water up […]

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