Getting Ready For The Sokli Diet

‘Everyone has healing nutriments that make them better and that also includes stuff you can’t eat and that is important nutriment too – like places and things you love and things you can do as well as eating things. So I like making nutriment plans to help people get better because then they will be happy and when they are happy they can feel and hear and remember their connection to the Earth and help her too. Love from Sokli, who is a fairy who knows stuff.’ ~ Sokli

Vegan Recipe Bonanza!

Hi everyone! I’m inviting you to participate in a Virtual Vegan Potluck, hosted by the wonderful blogger an unrefined vegan on May 12, 2012.  Mark your diaries now! I’ll be contributing one of my favourite recipes, and I’m looking forward to adding a whole pile of new ones to my repertoire. No matter what your eating […]

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