Some Thoughts On Risk, COVID and Individual Responsibility

Life is mostly froth and bubble, Two things stand like stone. Kindness in another’s trouble, Courage in your own. Adam Lindsay Gordon Hey, Lovelies.I’ve had many messages and emails since my post about Sophie, a colleague who recently passed away from COVID. Missed it? You can catch up here.I’ve also had my share of unfollows, […]

Feeling Brave? I Have A Question For You

Courage doesn’t happen when you have all the answers. It happens when you are ready to face the questions you have been avoiding your whole life. Shannon L. Alder Hello, Lovelies! There is a powerful question I ask myself at least once a year. It’s a confronting question, if you are truly honest with yourself. […]

Practical Spirituality For Life’s Challenges

It isn’t by getting out of the world that we become enlightened, but by getting into the world…by getting so tuned in that we can ride the waves of our existence and never get tossed because we become the waves. Ken Kesey Hey, Lovelies.Today I want to remind you of the importance of having a […]

I bought myself a birthday gift

What you are is God’s gift to you, what you become is your gift to God. Hans Urs von Balthasar Hey, Lovelies! I’ve had a wonderful four-day weekend, taking some time to reconnect with family, and to disconnect from social media and work for a few days. We celebrated my birthday with a simple home-cooked […]

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