Tasty Asian Flavours Quinoa – Virtual Vegan Potluck 2013

“Eating superfoods won’t turn you into a superhero, but it might help you look better in Lycra.” ~ Nicole Cody Quinoa (pronounced keen- wah) is touted as one of the latest ‘superfoods’ and apparently all the cool and beautiful people have recently discovered it. As you well know, I’m not in the ‘cool and beautiful’ […]

Vegan Recipe Bonanza!

Hi everyone! I’m inviting you to participate in a Virtual Vegan Potluck, hosted by the wonderful blogger an unrefined vegan on May 12, 2012.  Mark your diaries now! I’ll be contributing one of my favourite recipes, and I’m looking forward to adding a whole pile of new ones to my repertoire. No matter what your eating […]

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