Thai-Style Black Sticky Rice Pudding Recipe

    I like rice. Rice is great if you’re hungry and want 2000 of something.  ~ Mich Ehrenborg Hey Lovelies, As I promised after a recent Instagram post, here is the recipe for my black sticky rice pudding. This is truly one of those comfort-in-a-bowl dishes. Black sticky rice pudding is popular in Thailand […]

Black Sticky Rice Pudding Recipe – Gluten Free, Vegan, Yum!

“I like rice. Rice is great if you’re hungry and want 2000 of something. ” ~ Mich Ehrenborg   This is truly one of those comfort-in-a-bowl dishes. Black sticky rice pudding is popular in Thailand and parts of Asia. It can be eaten warm or cold, and makes a delicious dessert, but it’s equally good […]

Green Goodness Sauce Recipe

“She pulls on her heavy boots and carries the water bucket past the rose bushes, past the herb garden, and back to the barn behind the house. Her steps kick up the scents of herbs: thyme, mint, and lemon balm. The plants send up new stems each year from the roots that survived the winter […]

Delicious Strawberry and Kale Green Smoothie Recipe

“Our bodies run on the fresh green fuel of the land.” ~Terri Guillemets   Today’s my birthday, so you’d think I’d be blogging about cake, but no. I’ve decided to post something virtuous instead. We’ll get to the cake later. 🙂 I love a good green smoothie. It’s a tasty, easy way to eat whole […]

Strengthening Intuition Week 6 – Sensing Energy in Food

“Tell me what you eat, and I will tell you who you are.”  ~ Brillat-Savarin Have you been following along with our Strengthening Intuition Program so far? In today’s post I’m going to show you how to tune in to the energy of food.  This is a fun and useful skill to have – it […]

Virtual Vegan Potluck – Creamy Satay Hotpot Recipe

Welcome to the Virtual Vegan Potluck: bringing vegan food bloggers together to share a virtual potluck, linked by a blog circle – and our love of cooking, eating and sharing. Participating bloggers will be posting recipes – from appetizers to desserts.  Many Blessings to Annie from the wonderful blog an unrefined vegan for bringing us […]

Vegan Recipe Bonanza!

Hi everyone! I’m inviting you to participate in a Virtual Vegan Potluck, hosted by the wonderful blogger an unrefined vegan on May 12, 2012.  Mark your diaries now! I’ll be contributing one of my favourite recipes, and I’m looking forward to adding a whole pile of new ones to my repertoire. No matter what your eating […]

Self Nurture in a Bowl – Easy Miso Soup

When I’m tired, or busy writing and don’t want to take too long away from the flow of words, I turn to miso soup. I can eat this stuff breakfast, lunch, dinner and all meals in between! My soup is never a hard and fast recipe – rather it’s a technique that lets you add […]

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