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Vegan Recipe Bonanza!

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Hi everyone! I’m inviting you to participate in a Virtual Vegan Potluck, hosted by the wonderful blogger an unrefined vegan on May 12, 2012.  Mark your diaries now! I’ll be contributing one of my favourite recipes, and I’m looking forward to adding a whole pile of new ones to my repertoire.

No matter what your eating style, we could all use more fruits and vegetables in our diets, and at this virtual potluck you’ll get to sample animal-product free, cruelty-free recipes for every occasion:

Course Categories
Breads (Savory, such as rolls, baguette, cornbread, biscuits)
Breads (Sweet, such as banana bread, fruit muffins, cinnamon rolls)
Main Course

If you’d like to share the love and submit a recipe of your own, go here for more details. Make sure you sign up by April 30.

It’s going to be lots of yummy, healthy fun, and should guarantee some new recipe ideas for your kitchen.  How wonderful to be connected with bloggers from all over the world, sharing our cuisine at a virtual feast of goodness and well-being. See you there!

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