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Favourite Things


“Sunday is the golden clasp that binds together the volume of the week.” 
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

It’s Sunday, and for me it’s a day of favourite things.

Meditation first, before the sun comes up, with my Mala beads and Tibetan Bowl.

A short walk around the farm with Harry while we wait for the rest of the household to wake up. We’ll pick some flowers and say hello to the cows.

Fresh juice with produce from our garden (followed by a fistful of lyme meds – but we’ll ignore that bit…).

A trip to the monthly Bangalow Markets, held in the quaint old Showgrounds of our little town. We always go in very early to avoid the crowds. There are lots of places to sit and have a chat and a cuppa, lots of friends to hug, and I’m usually home by mid-morning, ready for a nap on the veranda. The markets means Byron Bay Organic Donuts, lots of crafty things, a chance to stock up on some new jam and a few seedlings for the vegetable patch.

Saying hello to my lovely neighbour Richard Jones, who’ll be selling his gorgeous earthy pottery at those same markets.

Afternoon naps. Best invention ever for that sleepy after-lunch lull!

Sitting with my writing, and adding to my word count. And perhaps some time to curl up with a good book. A nourishing bowl of chai, some spiritual communing and a little dreaming. I love Sundays!

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