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Starting Over And Feeling Better – Monday Oracle 14 June 2021

Each night, when I go to sleep, I die. And the next morning, when I wake up, I am reborn.

Mahatma Gandhi

Hello, Lovelies!

This Quarter I am using the Sacred Earth Oracle Deck cards by Toni Carmine Salerno and Leela J. Williams, illustrated by Helena Nelson-Reed for my weekly oracle readings.

Our card to guide us for the week ahead is PRESERVATION. It reminds us that we always carry within us the seeds of who were were, and who we can become. That’s important, because it means that at any time we can start over.

Do you ever feel like you stuffed it all up? That you have squandered your talents, wasted your gifts, made every bad decision and now it’s too late, much too late, to be who you might have been?

PRESERVATION reminds you that this isn’t true. Life is hard, and messy, and who knows why we do what we do or why things happen to us, or don’t happen to us. That’s part of the glorious mystery of being human for a while.

One thing is true. As long as you have breath in your body you can start over. You can embrace life. You can make the time you have left count.

PRESERVATION also lets you know that, at the core of who you are, you are as beautiful, worthy and deserving as you ever were, as the innocent baby you were coming into this life with your cherished dreams and hopes and this lifetime stretching out in front of you.

What matters is that you are here. What matters is that you can slow down enough to truly inhabit this moment. That’s what stretches time out like magic. That’s where all your power is. Right here. Right now. With every breath.

It’s okay to feel lost. That happens sometimes. When you are in pain, when you are run down or overwhelmed, or sleep deprived, or hanging on by your fingertips it can be easy to lose sight of the goodness in you, the talents and gifts and dreams inside you.

If you want to change, it’s still possible.

If you want to do something that counts, it’s still possible.

All you ever need to do is live in the moment. One moment at a time.

Then trust. Because your wise self will always know what to do in that present, precious moment.

My Top Tip For The Week Ahead: Don’t get stuck in your head this week. Slow down. Breathe. Then slow down some more. Bring yourself back into your body. Look around you with the curiosity and wonder of a child. Be right here. Right now. Anchor that moment. Then anchor another with your mindfulness. Remind yourself how amazing it all is.

Because it is. And so are you, my love. So are you.

Crystals to support you this week – Smoky Quartz, Celestite, Black Tourmaline, Any Kind of Jasper

Want To Join My Free Challenge In July? You’ll need this…

Need some encouragement, motivation and tools to make your life feel more aligned in the remainder of 2021?

I will be running a free online 30 Day Challenge in July this year for everyone who is working with my Planner, and I’ll be running some free online sessions about getting ready for that Challenge during the month of June.

If you have’t got yourself a copy of my Planner yet it’s not too late.

We have just over a half a year left. There is SO MUCH you can still achieve to make your life more intuitive, more meaningful, and more satisfying. I have discounted the final copies of my Journeymaker’s Planner to only $15.00 USD (that’s 50% off!).

To support your purchase there is also a Free Online Course, available in our Journeymaker’s Academy. During the month of July come learn with me as I show you how to:

No prior experience is needed to join my Challenge. I’ll teach you everything you need to know. But You’ll need a copy of my Planner!

Amazon USA (for all sales outside Australia)

Amazon Australia (for Australian sales only)

ETSY (worldwide, packed and shipped by me! – and we also have beautiful meditation malas and crystals in the Etsy store too)

And you can join my free online Facebook community here which is where you’ll be able to access the sign-up links when my course goes live!

This week we prep the final draft of the 2022 Planner for the printer. It’s looking so pretty – and you’ll just love the energies of next year. Apart from that, I’ll be doing client appointments, going for some beach walks and ocean swims (brrrrrrrrrr – but good!), and doing a little procrasti-baking, because it’s good for my soul.

On the weekend I cooked up a Pina Colada Pie, which was very well received. Stay tuned for the recipe for that. And I am going a bit mad making soups right now too, because it has been quite cold here at the treehouse, especially at night.

In other news I have had contact from my friend Dan, who is my main crystal procurer. He’s in Tibet right now, after a big two years travelling though Asia and parts of South America – and he is about to send a big shipment home for me. I never know what he has found me, so it’s always a big adventure. I’ll still have to be patient while it arrives, but I’m already excited.

Stay tuned – I’ll have more details about my 30 Day Free Challenge later this week. I can’t wait to share them with you, but let me just get this Planner put to bed first!

Love, baking pans, measuring cups and a whole pile of love, Nicole xx

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