Nurturing Your Inner Child – Monday Oracle 5 July 2021

There is child in all of us that refuses to grow up, a child that is in awe of what can be, the polar opposite of the cynic in all of us who despairs over what is. Stories of magic, fantastic monsters, impossible courage and spectacular heroism appeal to this child, instilling it with hope […]

Gazing Into The Future – Monday Oracle 28 June 2021

Do not let the memories of your past limit the potential of your future. Roy T. Bennett Hello, Lovelies! This Quarter I am using the Sacred Earth Oracle Deck cards by Toni Carmine Salerno and Leela J. Williams, illustrated by Helena Nelson-Reed for my weekly oracle readings. Our card to guide us for the week ahead is […]

Come Join Our Free Journeymaker’s Planner 30 Day Challenge!

Life is short. Do stuff that matters. Siqi Chen Hey, Lovelies! I’m deeply invested in helping you to be the champion of your own life – creating meaning, living with authenticity and being guided by your intuition. The second half of 2021 is well suited to taking action, and to creating plans for projects that […]

The Passion To Follow Your Path – Monday Oracle 21 June 2021

True power comes from standing in your own truth and walking your own path. Elizabeth Gilbert Hello, Lovelies! This Quarter I am using the Sacred Earth Oracle Deck cards by Toni Carmine Salerno and Leela J. Williams, illustrated by Helena Nelson-Reed for my weekly oracle readings. Our card to guide us for the week ahead is SHIFT. In this month […]

Free 30-Day Journeymaker Planner Challenge Coming Soon!

A goal without a plan is just a wish. Antoine de Saint-ExupĂ©ry Hey, Lovelies! Are you ready to use the second half of 2021 to increase your intuition, to improve your habits, and to work towards your goals and dreams?If you are, then come join me for our free 30 Day Planner Challenge, which will […]

Starting Over And Feeling Better – Monday Oracle 14 June 2021

Each night, when I go to sleep, I die. And the next morning, when I wake up, I am reborn. Mahatma Gandhi Hello, Lovelies! This Quarter I am using the Sacred Earth Oracle Deck cards by Toni Carmine Salerno and Leela J. Williams, illustrated by Helena Nelson-Reed for my weekly oracle readings. Our card to guide us […]

Set Your Boundaries! – Monday Oracle 7 June 2021

“No” is a complete sentence. Annie Lamott Hello, Lovelies! This Quarter I am using the Sacred Earth Oracle Deck cards by Toni Carmine Salerno and Leela J. Williams, illustrated by Helena Nelson-Reed for my weekly oracle readings. Our card to guide us for the week ahead is MODERATION. As we move into the energies of the New […]

Trust Yourself And Change Your Life! – Monday Oracle 31 May 2021

That’s two lessons I learned very quickly: (1) You don’t need to do anything in life—if it feels wrong or unnatural, it probably is. And (2) I had no one but myself to blame for not trusting my own instincts and pushing back when I felt something was wrong. Colin Jost Hello, Lovelies! This Quarter […]

A Week For Rediscovering Yourself – Monday Oracle 24 May 2021

Isn’t it odd how much fatter a book gets when you’ve read it several times?” Mo had said…”As if something were left between the pages every time you read it. Feelings, thoughts, sounds, smells…and then, when you look at the book again many years later, you find yourself there, too, a slightly younger self, slightly […]

A Week For Lightbulb Moments – Monday Oracle 17 May 2021

Do not let the memories of your past limit the potential of your future. There are no limits to what you can achieve on your journey through life, except in your mind. Roy T. Bennett Hello, Lovelies! This Quarter I am using the Sacred Earth Oracle Deck cards by Toni Carmine Salerno and Leela J. Williams, illustrated […]

A Week To Regain Your Strength – Monday Oracle 10 May 2021

Rest is not idleness, and to lie sometimes on the grass under trees on a summer’s day, listening to the murmur of the water, or watching the clouds float across the sky, is by no means a waste of time. John Lubbock Hello, Lovelies! This Quarter I am using the Sacred Earth Oracle Deck cards by Toni […]

Slow Down And Step Back – Monday Oracle 3 May 2021

In all of living, have much fun and laughter. Life is to be enjoyed, not just endured. Gordon B. Hinckley Hello, Lovelies! This Quarter I am using the Sacred Earth Oracle Deck cards by Toni Carmine Salerno and Leela J. Williams, illustrated by Helena Nelson-Reed for my weekly oracle readings. Our card to guide us for the […]

Staying True To You – Monday Oracle 26 April 2021

A dream is our imagination waiting for us to be brave enough to pick up a pencil, zealous enough to sketch out a blueprint, determined enough to gather the tools, committed enough to lean into the task, and audacious enough to make imagination the reality that it was always meant to be. For in time, […]

Healing Your Inner Child – Monday Oracle 19 April 2021

Everyone is born creative; everyone is given a box of crayons in kindergarten. Then when you hit puberty they take the crayons away and replace them with dry, uninspiring books on algebra, history, etc. Being suddenly hit years later with the ‘creative bug’ is just a wee voice telling you, ‘I’d like my crayons back, […]

Our First Day Off

Most of the things we need to be most fully alive never come in busyness. They grow in rest.  Mark Buchanan Hey, Lovelies. Today, Ben and I are taking a day off. I’ll be working all weekend on the 2022 Journeymaker’s Planner, and that’s a total labour of love and devotion! And from next week […]

I wanted to tell you all about my Planner Sale but…

Mother is a verb. It’s something you do. Not just who you are. Cheryl Lacey Donovan So, Lovelies, I was going to write this big complex post about how I have discounted my final planners by 50%, with some wonderful testimonials and new words and oh, so much other good stuff… But… Harry Dog glued […]

Making Magic Starts With You – Monday Oracle 12 April 2021

That’s what alchemists do. They show that, when we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better, too. Paulo Coelho Hello, Lovelies! This Quarter I am using the Sacred Earth Oracle Deck cards by Toni Carmine Salerno and Leela J. Williams, illustrated by Helena Nelson-Reed  for my weekly oracle readings. Our card to […]

Focus on Home And Belonging – Monday Oracle 29 March 2021

I know this world is far from perfect. I am not the type to mistake a streetlight for the moon. I know our wounds are deep as the Atlantic. But every ocean has a shoreline and every shoreline has a tide that is constantly returning to wake the songbirds in our hands, to wake the […]

The Power To Change – Monday Oracle 22 March 2021

I dwell in possibility… Emily Dickinson Hello, Lovelies! This Quarter I will be using the Wisdom of the Oracle cards by Colette Baron-Reid for my weekly oracle readings. This week our card is 46 – REGENERATION. It’s a week for taking small steps towards new goals, a time for believing that change is possible, and a week where change […]

Freeing Yourself Up For New Adventures – Monday Oracle 25 January 2021

Sometimes, we figure out our next move when we release what it won’t be.” Mary Vraa Hello, Lovelies! This Quarter I will be using the Wisdom of the Oracle cards by Colette Baron-Reid for my weekly oracle readings. This week our card is 10 – UNFINISHED SYMPHONY. It’s a week for being strategic, for working out what […]

Rest, Contemplation and Decisions – Monday Oracle 28 December 2020

Usually, when the distractions of daily life deplete our energy, the first thing we eliminate is the thing we need the most: quiet, reflective time. Time to dream, time to contemplate what’s working and what’s not, so that we can make changes for the better. Sarah Breathnach Hello, Lovelies, December energies encourage you to find […]

Our Office Hours and Schedule For the Christmas Break 2020

There is more to life than making a living. Do not work more than you live. Mokokoma Mokhonoana Hey, Lovelies!My team are taking a well-deserved break from today until January 4, 2021. If you have a reading booked with me in that time, rest assured that we have a system in place for all of […]

The Treasure In Our ETSY Store!

Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. King James Bible Hey, Lovelies! I’m so proud and excited to let you know that our little ETSY store has finally opened. Right now our offerings include my Journeymaker’s Planner for 2021, my beautiful Journeymaker crystal Mala, and a selection of tumbled stones from my […]

Update on My new ETSY Shop!

Patience, he thought. So much of this was patience – waiting, and thinking and doing things right. So much of all this, so much of all living was patience and thinking. Gary Paulsen Hey, Lovelies! The wait is almost over. I know I promised you my Planner would be available on ETSY, as well as […]

Celebrate, Plan and Dream – Monday Oracle 14 December 2020

You must understand that your creativity comes alive when you spend time alone focusing on your projects without distractions. Sunday Adelaja Hello, Lovelies, December energies encourage you to find time for yourself, to rest and renew. It’s a month that brings an urge to have more freedom, and which gifts you a readiness to make […]

Simplify and Remember to Breathe – Monday Oracle 30 November 2020

You can’t calm the storm, so stop trying. What you can do is calm yourself. The storm will pass. Timber Hawkeye Hello, Lovelies, November energies bring renewed optimism, connection and flow. It’s a month for spiritual pilgrimages, soul work and opportunity. But December is almost here, and with that comes an urge to have more […]

Doing It My Way

If I have one piece of advice to give you all about what to search for in your quest for What Next, it’s to find where the line blurs between hard work and happiness for you. To find that thing where working hard at it makes you happy, and where you’re happy to work hard […]

Busy on Elf Duties

Why does Santa Claus get all the attention when the elves do most of the work? Anonymous, but probably by an elf Hey, Lovelies! I’ll love to write more, but today I am busy on elf duties, packing Christmas orders for my Inner Circle members. So many lovely things are going in my packs – […]

The Journeymaker’s Planner 2021 Is Here!

“Perhaps we only leave So we may once again arrive, To get a bird’s eye view Of what it means to be alive. For there is beauty in returning, Oh how wonderful, how strange, To see that everything is different But know it’s only you who’s changed.” Erin Hanson Hello, Lovelies. I’m delighted to announce The […]

Celebrating Just A Little!

“Celebrate when you’re half done, And the finish won’t be half as fun.” Lemony Snicket Hey, Lovelies! We’re having a quiet celebration here today, as we reach a major milestone in our 2020 calendar. Our Journeymaker’s Planner 2021 has gone to press, and very soon it will be printed and bound, ready to be your […]

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