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Travel Update

Writing books is a nice retreat.

There’s nothing quite like diving into a book for a few hours.

That is a big time vacation.

— Padgett Powell

Hello, Lovelies!

Today marks the first part of a couple of days of travel for me as I head to my solo writing retreat at a favourite interstate hotel.

As you are reading this I am likely to be still packing. I would love to report that I was totally organised in that department, but no. When my bags are sorted (Ben always leaves his til the last minute but I like find that so stressful!) I’ll share a quick breakfast together with Ben, last cuddles with the pupsters, and then off we go. A day of tasks and appointments in Brisbane, followed by time at the airport hotel, so we can both head off to our destinations at stupidly early o’clock on Friday.

You won’t hear from me tomorrow. I’ll be in transit still. But once I’m settled, and needing a break, I promise to update you. Not too often though. My first priority is to bring this manuscript into some kind of order, write a new beginning, add in some romance, and then craft a great ending.

Wish me luck! Love, hugs, paperclips and post-it notes, Nicole xx

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