Stop Second-Guessing Yourself!

“I was afraid to be confident for a long time. I had to quit second guessing everything because I worried so much about being wrong or worse, offending anyone. It was never intentional, but I wasted far too much energy and time holding myself back.” ~ Emilyann Allen Hey, Lovelies, I have a short but important […]

Trust Your Intuition! Monday Oracle 7 October 2019

Don’t try to comprehend with your mind. Your minds are very limited. Use your intuition. Madeleine L’Engle MOON, this week’s guiding card, is from the Dreamtime Reading Cards by Laura Bowen. I choose a card every week, and use it intuitively and in a channelled space to bring you insights for the week ahead. To […]

Strengthening Intuition Week 3 – Sensing Energy in Objects

“Integrity is the essence of everything successful.” ~ R. Buckminster Fuller Last week we worked with opening and activating the chakras in our hands. For those of you who missed that post here’s the link so you can practice this step first: Week 2 – Activating your Hand Chakras This week we’re going to use this […]

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