Focus on Home And Belonging – Monday Oracle 29 March 2021

I know this world is far from perfect. I am not the type to mistake a streetlight for the moon. I know our wounds are deep as the Atlantic. But every ocean has a shoreline and every shoreline has a tide that is constantly returning to wake the songbirds in our hands, to wake the […]

The Power To Change – Monday Oracle 22 March 2021

I dwell in possibility… Emily Dickinson Hello, Lovelies! This Quarter I will be using the Wisdom of the Oracle cards by Colette Baron-Reid for my weekly oracle readings. This week our card is 46 – REGENERATION. It’s a week for taking small steps towards new goals, a time for believing that change is possible, and a week where change […]

Doing It My Way

If I have one piece of advice to give you all about what to search for in your quest for What Next, it’s to find where the line blurs between hard work and happiness for you. To find that thing where working hard at it makes you happy, and where you’re happy to work hard […]

Hope, Insight And Encouragement – Monday Oracle 26 October 2020

Hope can be a powerful force. Maybe there’s no actual magic in it, but when you know what you hope for most and hold it like a light within you, you can make things happen, almost like magic.” Laini Taylor Hello, Lovelies! October energies support sustainability, and finding healing for, and solutions to, our problems. […]

Practical Spirituality For Life’s Challenges

It isn’t by getting out of the world that we become enlightened, but by getting into the world…by getting so tuned in that we can ride the waves of our existence and never get tossed because we become the waves. Ken Kesey Hey, Lovelies.Today I want to remind you of the importance of having a […]

Celebrating Just A Little!

“Celebrate when you’re half done, And the finish won’t be half as fun.” Lemony Snicket Hey, Lovelies! We’re having a quiet celebration here today, as we reach a major milestone in our 2020 calendar. Our Journeymaker’s Planner 2021 has gone to press, and very soon it will be printed and bound, ready to be your […]

Want To Get Witchy With Me?

“It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves.” William Shakespeare Hey, Lovelies. Earlier this year I used the things my Aboriginal Aunties taught me, and that my Guides showed me, and that I channelled through, and I did some big energy work with the Gridlines, Songlines, Vortexes and Portals while […]

Monthly Membership Is Now Here!

“Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another, ‘What! You too? I thought I was the only one.” C.S. Lewis Hey Lovelies, Many of you have been asking if we could offer a monthly payment option for our private Membership. So, we listened, and today I am happy to announce that […]

Do You Want To Take A Journey With Me?

“It is good to have an end to journey toward; but it is the journey that matters, in the end.” ~ Ursula K. Le Guin Hello, Lovelies! So, here we are in 2020. If you’re working with my Journeymaker’s Planner or if you read my January 1 blog post, you’ll know that this is going to […]

Our new Journeymaker Circle Membership has launched! JOIN NOW!

“Some things cannot be taught; they must be experienced. You never learn the most valuable lessons in life until you go through your own journey.” ~ Roy T. Bennett Hello, Lovelies!My team and I are excited to be finally able to throw open the doors of our new Journeymaker Circle Membership for you today. I […]

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