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Monday Oracle – 12 February 2018

She decided to free herself, dance into the wind, create a new language. And birds fluttered around her, writing “yes” in the sky.”  
~ Monique Duval


Hello, Lovelies!

In February we are building on the strength and intuitive connection we found for ourselves at the beginning of the year. February brings opportunities for planning, learning and growing in order to bring about positive change. Keep that in mind as we look at the gifts of awareness which the oracle card Sleeping Beauty brings us.

This week’s card has a message of support and encouragement.

Sleeping Beauty is here to reconnect us to the power of our dreams. In dreams all kinds of things can happen. When we are asleep we suspend our disbelief. In the land of dreams anything is possible. It’s a place where our wise self can communicate with us, and so can our guides, angels and loved ones.

This week expect that energy of guidance through dreams while we are asleep, and as ‘waking dreams’ where we are gifted ideas, insights, innovations and inspiration. Trust what comes. Know that we are being shown this for a reason. This could be ideas for life direction, work, relationships, health or creative projects. You might also get answers to problems that have confounded you for the longest time.

It’s a week of deep soul connection and illumination, and of the kinds of insights and ideas that can positively change the direction of our lives. Some of you might feel like you’ve finally woken up after living your life on automatic pilot for much too long.

Sleeping Beauty also reminds you that you could be visited by a creative idea from the past that needs to be dusted off and given life. Know that it is making itself known to you because it is time.

Make your creative work, planning and dreams a priority this week. You’ll be glad you did!

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Supportive crystals this week?

Use Orange Calcite (pictured) to tune in to inspiration and to help those creative idea flow. It’s also a wonderful beginner stone for tuning in to the spiritual realms. Banded Agate creates a sense of safety, peace and belonging as you open up to living more fully as yourself. Great if you feel anxious about speaking up or sharing your gifts with the world! Sunstone helps you to sit in a place of abundance thinking so that you see the blessings and possibilities in life and to believe in your right to a better future. Rainbow Moonstone tunes you in to your dreams and subconscious mind, and to metaphysical messages.


Helpful essential oils?

Rose essential oil is my pick again for this week. Its sweet floral aroma is uplifting and heart opening. If you can’t find Rose then use Rose Geranium. Use these oils by placing a dab on wrists, neck and over heart as a perfume or diffuse. They are also heavenly in your bathwater.

Want to make your own blend? Sokli gave me this recipe ages ago. She calls it the Lucky Happy Magic Recipe and I find it marvellous for enhancing and supporting creativity. You’ll need Lavender 2 drops, Orange 4 drops, Ylang Ylang 4 drops, Sandalwood 3 drops. This recipe is one of my favourite essential oil blends to put in a diffuser or as a perfume or bath oil. I make up a little bottle of the mix and then I can add it to my bath or take it with me to inhale or wear. Always dilute in a little carrier oil before applying to skin, and remember that citrus oil should not be applied to any skin that will be in sunlight.

I choose to use Young Living essential oils because of their quality and energies. You can find all the oils here.


Need some extra support for your year?

Go grab one of my Year of ME Planners over at my Store (ME stands for Manifesting Energies, and the energies of 2018 are fabulous!) The digital full-year planner can be in your inbox in minutes, ready for you to review 2017 and begin mapping out what matters for you in 2018.

We’ve also got a full-colour A5 version of the Planner, perfect for keeping with you in your bag, and some super crystal packs to give you a host of extra energetic support. (note – these are both so close to sold out!)

Want fun, friendship, learning and loveliness? Join my Year of ME 12 month course and community for a whole year of deliciousness – with webinars, meditations and loads of activities and helpful tools and the most fantastic online facebook group. You’ll feel right at home with us!

I’ve got a fabulous course and coaching options if you are a heart and soul centred entrepreneur or if you want to be. Come join my YOMpreneur group.

All the information you need is over at my Store.

We’ve also got a very special Residential Retreat coming up in March, that will help you to create a sustainable spiritual practice, connect to your Higher Self and Guides, and gain clarity about your inner energy, life path and best direction. More details: Awakening to Spirituality Retreat and here

Holding you, as always, in my thoughts, prayers and meditations, and intending for you a life of abundance and joy, where you are no longer limited by your doubts.

All my love,

Nicole ❤ xx

PS: Monday’s oracle card, ‘Sleeping Beauty’, is from the Inner Child Cards – A Fairy-Tale Tarot. I use any cards shown as a prompt for channelled messages and my own own intuitive wisdom, so my take is sometimes quite different to the meaning found in a book. 


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