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Self-Reliance and Internal Guidance – Monday Oracle 18 November 2019

“To find yourself, think for yourself.”

~ Socrates

Hello, Lovelies!

November is an expansive month of heart-opening, joy, progress, breakthroughs and success. It’s a month for emotional healing, sharing your thoughts and feelings, and of celebrating how far you’ve come or how much you’ve survived. Keep November’s energy in mind as we look at the gifts of inspiration which the card SEA TURTLE brings us.

I remember the first time I encountered a sea turtle. I was twelve years old, I was on my grandparents’ boat, and we had anchored for the night. Everyone had gone to sleep, but I was too full of emotion to sleep so I had crept up on deck to feel the deliciousness of being alone with my thoughts, and to gaze on the wide bowl of the sky and the myriad stars above my head. The sea was calm, and all I could hear was the gentle trill and slop of water rippling along the hull.

Suddenly I heard a tiny splash and then a very loud explosive sigh. An enormous sea turtle had surfaced right beside the boat, and had emptied her lungs before taking in a breath of clean fresh air. She bobbed on the water beside me for some time before dipping back into the black depths again. After she was gone I felt inexplicably lonely. I still think of that old turtle often. Her self-reliance, her wisdom and calm, the way she kept me company in a strange kind of solidarity as we both looked up at the stars and the moon, the sound of her breath, so vital and strong. The way she felt connected to everything, and carried that inside her. I hope I grow to be like her as I become an Elder too.

The Message of the SEA TURTLE

Sea turtles are solitary creatures. Solitary and determined. From the moment they hatch on the beach, instinct guides them to the water. After a life spent travelling thousands of miles in open water they return to the very same beach where they were hatched, to lay their own clutches of eggs.

SEA TURTLE‘s message to you this week is this: Trust your Instincts. Know that you can rely on yourself. Know that you will find your way, even if life seems overwhelming and impossible to navigate, even if you feel like a complete beginner. Just be yourself. It will all fall into place. The wise part of you knows what to do if only you listen with your heart as much as with your head.

SEA TURTLE comes to tell you that it’s time to prepare for a journey. That could be an inner journey, a journey related to your goals and dreams, a physical move or travel. She reminds you that it is okay to feel anxious or unprepared. Sometimes the only thing we need when embarking on a journey is courage. And of course, to listen to our intuition.

SEA TURTLE also comes to inform some of you that you are coming full circle. You have been on your own adventure, you have experienced much, and now it’s time to return to the place where the novices are so that you can share what you have learned.

Supportive crystals this week?

Lapis Lazuli enhances the ability to receive psychic messages and insights and connects you strongly to your Angels, Guides and other energetic beings. Plus it literally LOOKS like a piece of the night sky! Pink Kunzite is a gentle but powerful heart activation stone allowing for profound emotional insights, and helping you to identify, forgive and move past limited and self-critical thinking. Ruby Zoisite (pictured) is a stone of transformation, helping you to be empowered in your life. It elevates your confidence and authority, especially when you are ready to become the teacher or mentor for others. Smoky Quartz  opens you to greater possibilities and a larger vision for yourself and your dreams.

Helpful Essential Oils

Oils that promote trust in your intuition and gut instinct are what’s needed right now, so Geranium is my top pick for the week ahead.  

Geranium is such an underestimated essential oil. With its sweet floral scent it’s brilliant for helping you relax, unwind and get connected to your essence and intuition. It will uplift you and stimulate creativity, sensuality and emotional flow – all energies that are great for shifting us into a more creative space. If you’re an over-giver and your tank is dry, geranium oil will fill you back up again.

Apply it to your pulse points at wrist, neck and over heart like a perfume. Place a few drops in your bath water. Diffuse it. One of my favourite uses is as a centering and inspiring pick-me-up. Put a drop in the palm of your hand, rub hands together and then inhale the aroma. 

If you want to boost your physical energy and get some additional mental clarity too add a few drops of Basil, Grapefruit and Lime.

If you’re feeling anxious about change, team your Geranium with a couple of drops of Lavender and a drop of Vetiver.

Come Join Us!

I’d like to extend an invitation to you to come join me inside my free online community. I’ve created a private Facebook group so we can come together to share our spiritual journey, and where I can better support you to grow your intuitive abilities and begin to feel more comfortable with managing yourself and thriving as a sensitive, empathic, intuitive or psychic soul. There are free online study units you can access, and regular live on-line events. I’m also planning some big group meditations and Lightworker activities for you to join in with, if it feels right for you.

This group is a place for all spiritual journeymakers to hang out, to share experiences, to have a safe and supportive community, and to send energy and light out into the world.

Click this link to join:

It’s only a new group, but already we have a wonderful sense of community and support. I know you’ll fit right in.

Make 2020 A Powerful Year Of Growth

My much-loved Planner is now in its fifth year of production, and 2020 is the most beautiful and content-rich book we’ve ever produced.  This 368-page book is a spiritual toolkit disguised as a diary & planner. Learn to tap into your intuition, honor your heart’s path and calling using skills like meditation, mindfulness, journaling, self-care, intuitive card reading, energy work, and much more.

There are 52 pages of rituals, information and activities to start your year right. Read about the energies of 2020 and how to make the most of them. The Planner is then divided into Quarters, each with a theme to support you. Each month starts with guidance for the energies ahead, and suggestions for crystals, gemstones and essential oils. After each Quarter you’ll find a review to help you learn, grow and plan.

To support your purchase there is also a Free Online Course, available December 1, 2019 in our new Journeymaker’s Academy. Learn with me as I show you how to review 2019 and learn from the year, choose a project and habit for 2020, do a 10 card tarot or oracle card spread to guide you for the year ahead, and then create a plan for 2020 that is workable and supportive. No prior experience is needed. I’ll teach you everything you need to know with the free course that accompanies your Planner. You’ll learn to work with our monthly money tracker, Sunday planning sessions, weekly tarot or oracle card, habit and goal setting, reviews, coping skills, lightwork, meditations, affirmations.

And for every Planner sold, ten trees will be planted, to give back to Mother Earth.

To order the Planner choose one of the links below:

Amazon USA (for all sales outside Australia)

Amazon Australia (for Australian sales only)

This week take a moment to feel the wisdom of Old Mother Turtle. Feel her encouraging you to swim your own race, to be your own unique self, and to trust your intuition!

All my love, Nicole xx

PS – This is what one person had to say about my new Journeymaker’s Planner:

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