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Monthly Membership Is Now Here!

“Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another, ‘What! You too? I thought I was the only one.”

C.S. Lewis

Hey Lovelies,

Many of you have been asking if we could offer a monthly payment option for our private Membership.

So, we listened, and today I am happy to announce that you can now join our membership with a monthly subscription.

This is a group that is perfect for beginners and the metaphysically curious, but it is also robust enough to serve more advanced practitioners too.

It’s a perfect time to be joining us. Next week I am starting a series of members-only channelled webinars, dealing with the current Coronavirus Pandemic, cellular memory, healing trauma and accessing and integrating past-life wisdom.

We’ve also got some wonderful members-only activities and lessons coming up, that work with the kind of Portal and Energy Healing work I did recently in Sedona. Normally this would be the kind of thing I teach only on Retreats.

For more information, and to join us using the monthly subscription click on the link below:

We look forward to you joining us,

Much love, Nicole xx

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