That Moment When I Gave Up And Put Myself To Bed

We are stuck with technology when what we really want is just stuff that works. Douglas Adams Hey, Lovelies. Yesterday was one of those days. Right in the middle of a client session, on a busy day, all the power in my office failed. Unbeknownst to me Ben had turned off an unrelated fuse in […]

Yep, Nup, it’s still not working!

“I think that little by little I’ll be able to solve my problems and survive.” ~ Frida Kahlo I remember last time I got a new computer. I held off upgrading for months because I hated the thought that I’d have to change operating systems and lose time while everything transferred and the kinks got ironed out. […]

The Joy and Horror Of A New Computer

“A computer lets you make more mistakes faster than any other invention with the possible exceptions of handguns and Tequila.” ~ Mitch Ratcliffe I have a new computer. It’s been sitting in a box beside my desk for weeks. I knew I needed to change over from my old one, but I had tight deadlines for a […]

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