Celebrate, Plan and Dream – Monday Oracle 14 December 2020

You must understand that your creativity comes alive when you spend time alone focusing on your projects without distractions. Sunday Adelaja Hello, Lovelies, December energies encourage you to find time for yourself, to rest and renew. It’s a month that brings an urge to have more freedom, and which gifts you a readiness to make […]

Doing It For Your Future Self

“The future depends on what you do today.” ~ Mahatma Gandhi Hello, Lovelies. There’s someone I want you to think about today. That person is your future self. Every choice you make, every action you take is going to impact the future you. Will the future you thank the you of today? Or will the […]

Designing Your Future – Today!

“If you do not yet know where you fit, I suggest you try seeking it in receptive silence.  I used to walk amid the beauties of nature, just receptive and silent, and wonderful insights would come to me.” ~  Peace Pilgrim   Today is a wonderful day to set aside some time for creating a […]

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