Monsoon Weather

Jungle rain had no beginning or end; it grew like foliage from the sky, branching and arching to the earth, sometimes in solid thickets entangling the islands, and other times, in tendrils of blue mist curling out of coastal clouds. The jungle breathed an eternal green that fevered men until they dripped sweat the way […]

My Free 30 Day Planner Challenge Starts Today!

Unless commitment is made, there are only promises and hopes; but no plans. Peter Drucker Come join us! For the next 30 days you can get daily lessons – short sweet bites of inspiration and practical advice – to help you work on your intuition, habits and projects. All you need is a copy of […]

No, you don’t need Facebook to join my Free Challenge!

Do stuff. be clenched, curious. Not waiting for inspiration’s shove or society’s kiss on your forehead. Pay attention. It’s all about paying attention. attention is vitality. It connects you with others. It makes you eager. Stay eager. Susan Sontag Hey, Lovelies! We’ve had a rush of emails from folks who want to join me free […]

Trust Yourself And Change Your Life! – Monday Oracle 31 May 2021

That’s two lessons I learned very quickly: (1) You don’t need to do anything in life—if it feels wrong or unnatural, it probably is. And (2) I had no one but myself to blame for not trusting my own instincts and pushing back when I felt something was wrong. Colin Jost Hello, Lovelies! This Quarter […]

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