Holding You In My Heart

“Like a caring mother holding and guarding the life of her only child, so with a boundless heart of lovingkindness, hold yourself and all beings as your beloved children.” ~ Gautama Buddha Hello, Lovelies. I awoke despairing yesterday. My usual morning meditation did not lift my mood. I am in Hong Kong, at the start of […]

Healing and Grounding Tibetan Singing Bowl Meditation

I learn more about God From weeds than from roses; Resilience springing Through the smallest chink of hope In the absolute of concrete…. ~ Phillip Pulfrey, “Weeds,” Perspectives   Morning at our little farm – the birds are singing, the sun is shining and the day is fresh and new. I’ve already been for a short […]

Tibetan Singing Bowl – Healing Meditation

“Do you know that our soul is composed of harmony.”  ~ Leonardo da Vinci, Notebooks (1451-1519) I meditate twice daily. And as a constant meditator I have come to use many different forms of this practice, so that I can choose a method best suited to my mood, energy and purpose each time. One of […]

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