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Balance And Re-Energise Your Chakras With This Quick Exercise

“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” 
~ Nikola Tesla

Chakras are energetic gateways or portals. Each has its own colour, and governs different areas and emotions within the body. I have meditated on each of the following images, and programmed each picture to energise, open, balance and heal your chakras.

How to use today’s blog:

  1. Slowly scroll down the page, gazing at each picture in turn.
  2. Notice which picture (or pictures) is more vibrant and attractive to you.
  3. Go back to that image (images) and spend a little longer.  Draw that colour deep into your body.  See if any words, impressions, emotions or images come up for you. You might even want to use that as the beginning of a journalling activity. These colours will feed and energise your chakras and are great indicators of what chakras are already flowing and working well or in the process of opening and healing.
  4. Also pay attention to any pictures that seem very flat and energetically unappealing. Note what chakra that picture relates to.  Once again see if any words, impressions, emotions or images come up for you. This flat energy will correspond to chakras that are blocked, stagnant or stuck.  Send them some white light and a little extra love.
  5. Run your eyes over the images again.  See if there is any change.  Eventually you’ll find that all of the pictures have an equal brightness as you come back into balance.

1.Base Chakra: Foundation, survival, security, safety, energy, money, grounding, physicality

Image of erupting volcano from

2. Sacral Chakra: Creativity, well-being, sexuality, emotional expression, abundance, pleasure

Orange Flower by kamussen at

3. Solar Plexus Chakra: Self esteem, individuality, self-worth, self confidence, personal authority, I AM

Yellow Marigolds image from

4. Heart Chakra: Love for self and others, inner peace, joy, giving and receiving

This gorgeous image from

5. Throat Chakra: Speaking your truth, asking for what you need, all forms of communication

This image from

6. Third Eye Chakra: Imagination, intuition, vision, wisdom, innovation, decision making, spiritual connection

Image from

7. Crown Chakra: Divine Connection, spirituality, bliss, purity, consciousness, unity, BEing

Image from

I’d love to know how this activity felt for you – so please feel free to share any of your experiences by leaving a comment below.  Much love to you, and all of my intentions, blessings and well-wishes for you to feel energised, balanced and harmonised.

Nicole ❤ xx

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