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Monsoon Weather

Jungle rain had no beginning or end; it grew like foliage from the sky, branching and arching to the earth, sometimes in solid thickets entangling the islands, and other times, in tendrils of blue mist curling out of coastal clouds. The jungle breathed an eternal green that fevered men until they dripped sweat the way rubbery jungle leaves dripped the monsoon rain.

Leslie Marmon Silko

Hey, Lovelies.

It’s feeling a lot like Monsoon Season here at the treehouse.

It’s been raining for days. Weeks even.

It’s muggy and hot, everything is damp, and we have every kind of rain. Light, heavy, insane, misty, warm, cold.

I’m not complaining.

The garden is loving it, and so am I.

I love going to sleep to the sound of rain on our tin roof, and seeing the forest all green and shimmery.

And this weather reminds me of all the places we can’t travel to in Asia right now.

So, I’m cooking lots of Asian food, and we’re pretending to be in India, or Thailand, or Vietnam.

After so many summers of droughts and bushfires, a rainy summer is rather wonderful.

I know it will make me appreciate the sunshine so much more, when it finally comes.

I hope that wherever you live, you feel a connection to the natural world and the rhythms of the seasons too.

Much love, rice bowls, dumpling soup, tropical fruits and pho, Nicole xx

Ready for the coming year?

Remember to grab your Journeymaker’s Planner for 2022 so you’ll be ready for my free challenge to help you make the most of the year ahead.

It will officially start on January 28, 2022 (that’s Australian time – so it might be January 27 where you live).

The Challenge is completely FREE and will be held as a course in our Journeymaker Academy. Additional support and community can be accessed in our free Facebook Group, The Journeymakers.

The aim of the Challenge is to help you learn to make the best of your Journeymaker’s Planner, and to connect to your intuition and creativity, with a small task or activity every day for 30 days.

You’ll need five minutes each day, although you are welcome to spend more time on each activity if you’d like to do that.

The format of the Challenge will be short daily instructional videos, followed by a short activity using your Planner, cards and crystal.

You’ll need a hard copy or digital copy of The Journeymaker’s Planner (details about how to get your copy at end of this post), a deck of oracle or tarot cards, and a crystal.

How to join:

I will post links to enrollment for the course here on my blog on January 21, 2022 and also in our Facebook Group. All you have to do is click the link, and then follow simple instructions.

The actual course lessons will begin on January 28, 2022.

From Monday, January 10, (that’s Australian time, so this may be Sunday January 9 where you live) I’ll be running regular live events in my free Journeymakers Facebook Group to help you get prepped before the Challenge starts on . Relax – these live sessions go for fifteen minutes, so they won’t take a big chunk out of your day, and if you can’t make it to the live event you’ll be able to catch the replay.

If you haven’t got a copy of the Planner, there’s still time. You can order a hard copy from Amazon USA or a hard copy or digital copy from Etsy.

This is going to be a lot of fun, and will help you get some momentum and consistency going for the year ahead. If you need a bit of a kickstart, or to start this year with clarity and connection, this Challenge is for you. It will also help you to deepen your spiritual and intuitive practices around using the Planner. No prior experience is needed to join my Challenge. I’ll teach you everything you need to know. But you’ll need a copy of my Planner!

Start by grabbing a digital or physical copy of my Planner and joining my free online Facebook community here which is where the warm-up sessions will be conducted from early January, and where you’ll have access to the links for when the course goes live.

It’s FREE – but you will need a copy of the Planner. 2022 is a gentle and restorative year, and a strong year for intuition, creativity and connection. Let me show you how to make the most of these energies!

Here’s how to grab your Planner for 2022:

You can buy The Journeymaker’s Planner 2022 Hard Copy at Amazon USA or ETSY.

The digital version of The Journeymaker’s Planner 2022 is available at ETSY.

The limited edition and heavenly Ylang-Ylang Oil is available at ETSY.

The limited edition gold-embossed Journeymaker’s Journal is available at ETSY.

The limited edition NURTURE Mala is available at ETSY.

I still have a very few amazing Tibetan Fluorites, available at ETSY.

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