

Hi! I’m Nicole Cody – a psychic, metaphysical teacher, organic farmer, writer and lover of life. I’ve created this blog to share my musings, recipes, and adventures.

I love all things magical, and I am sure that cupcakes have healing qualities!

I’m passionate about helping people connect into their own inner wisdom, intuition and grace.

I believe that you can be happy. I believe you can heal what’s been broken. I believe that you can know real love.  I believe that you can make a difference.  I believe that you can shine.

We’re all in this together, this crazy adventure we call life.

Thanks for joining me on the journey.  Bless xx

PS: You’ll find seven things you may not have known about me here.

182 thoughts on “About

  1. Hi Nicole. Love reading your healing blogs ,calming and relaxing to me. Your receipes and family receipes are truely delicious, many thanks for all your kind words. Keep well, sue

  2. Hi Nicole,
    Have just read your tribute to your grandfathers service in No 1 Wireless Unit in WW2. My dad also was a kana operator in No 1 Wireless Unit, and I wish I had talked to him more about it, before he passed away.
    How did you go about getting his service record? I would like to do the same for my dad.
    Hope you can advise

  3. Thank you for the simple stewed plums recipe – I used coconut sugar – delicious – just like Mum used to make…..and how surprised I was to find it was you behind the recipe. You did an amazing reading for me…. must be nearly 4 years ago – no…. just over 5 – Jan 2012 which lead me to go to Uni at age 58 – quite a journey!!!! Lovely to find you here.

  4. Hello I have found myself on this page thanks to my therapist. My life has seen a dramatic change since she introduced me to meditation. I had therapy today and she had printed me out “A Message for Empaths and Sensitive Souls. I don’t truly understand it and that is what brought me to your page. I saw a piece you did on Grief. Wow you hit it spot on. I am sorry for the loss you endured with your furbaby. The piece really touched my mind. Something has brought me to you.

  5. Hi Nicole, Thank you for the stevia sweetened zucchini bread recipe. I have Lyme Disease for many years and avoid sugar most of the time. Also recently bought Organic Gluten Free Flour and was very happy to try your recipe. Also found your notes for substitutions very helpful as I can only eat a very small amount of nuts.
    Your blog is lovely and your are a Blessing for all.
    Peace, Iliana

  6. Hi Nicole. I stumbled onto your blog after searching the Internet to find an answer after I woke up one morning feeling quite nauseous. The night before I went to bed and listened to a meditation track to help the throat chakra. The feeling in the morning was quite overwhelming. It took quite a while to feel better. I have have found that opening the throat chakra can bring on nauseouness, stomach upsets and diahrea, which I also experienced that same morning. I have always been quite a reserved person and one to always worry what other people think if I spoke my mind. I will try the kids sing along video as I have always loved to sing. Hopefully this will help me be more conscious of my own feelings and not worrying what others will think. Thank you for your beautiful words and guidance.

  7. Hi Nicole

    I just wanted to thank you for a reading I had some years back. In it you spoke of my writing gift and mentioned getting some sort of formal training. I ended up completing post graduate studies in creative writing which has given me the confidence to find my voice as it were and put me in the direction of my passion. It was so helpful and thanks again.



  8. Hello Nicole, I have only this evening discovered your blog. I too am in the field of healing.
    My talents have developed slowly over time, mainly due to not embracing what I was born with…funny how we can do that to ourselves. I love your blog. Such wonderful information and easy to read and understand. I will be sure to return to your pages 🙂

  9. Hi there!

    I have been following Cauldrons and Cupcakes for a while now. I was wondering if you do product reviews? Let me know, and also let me know where I may best contact you.


  10. Hi Nicole — whether or not cupcakes have healing qualities, I am sure your lovely blog does! There is so much cheerful and refreshing energy here; it’s a delightful find! I have added it to a list of positive blogs I keep on my own site. 🙂

  11. Hello Nicole, I have been a fan of cauldrons and cupcakes for over a year. I love your recipes, love reading about your farm and your dogs and I do your meditation almost every night. I just wanted to say thank you you have helped me so much this year. Emma

  12. I see there have been many nominations of your blog already above, but I’m going to put in my nomination too! 🙂 I’ve nominated your blog for the One Lovely Blog Award – you can see the details here: http://backyardowl.com/2014/10/20/one-lovely-blog-award-my-15-blog-loves/.

    Your choice to participate or not – but the most important thing I want to communicate is how much I appreciate your posts, your goals and intent for the blog, and of course, the creative ideas for cupcakes. Keep up the great work!


  13. Hi Nicole!
    I discovered your blog last blog and have been spending some time each day checking! I love your description of where you live, with platypus in one river and fish and eels in another! I, too, have struggled with health issues and have found wellnessmama.com very helpful. She has hashimotos so as soon as I read that you did too, i felt compelled to tell you about her site. She apparently has cured her illness through diet.
    Take good care!

  14. You’ve long been an inspiration, and your blog very rewarding to read. I don’t comment as much as I should or hit the like button and for that I do apologize.

    I dropped by to let you know I’ve nominated you for the Most Influential Blogger Award. The details are show at the link below. You might have been nominated many times already, however, I still nominate you as a show of appreciation.

    Much Respect

  15. Cupcakes do have healing qualities, especially chocolate ones!!! Yesterday I was contemplating just how chocolate is magically healing. I love your blog & vibe and I’m excited to see what’s next!

  16. I discovered you this am !i am a 9/20 Virgo ! I resonate with your work and energies! Like to know more and get information to read , see , and be in touch!? Email : gisellesharaf@me,com ! I am one of the original HUGSANDKISS ! Person ! I am so happy to be in style now! Excited to hear from you! HKG !

  17. Thanks for the follow on The Vampire Diet…I’ve been a fan of Cauldrons and Cupcakes for a while, and follow it from my other accounts too (modern oracle and rondasnow). Thank you for your excellent blog! 😀

  18. Hi Nicole. I am sorry to hear you are feeling so sick and unwell. You are remarkable in your fight to live a normal life amongst the chronic pain, discomfort and concerns of your illness. I really hope that the doctors and health fairies can help fix you up very soon. Best wishes for ongoing, wonderful health. p.s. I hope you can still read your kindle, Harry is a real character. Regards Shaunna

  19. Nicole,

    Thank you for your blog! I have been living in Germany for three years now (originally from Sydney) I found your blog about a year ago and I love it and your lovely voice is a nice connection for me back to my homeland. Love Katrina.

  20. I’ve recently switched my food blog over to be self-hosted which I hope will make it more user-friendly in the future. As a result, if you were following Can’t Stay Out of the Kitchen via email, WordPress, or using RSS feeds through Google Reader or some other way, you are no longer subscribed. If you wish to continue receiving future posts from my blog you will need to re-subscribe. Sorry for the inconvenience, Teresa.

  21. Hi Nicole
    I came across your blog while I was looking for signs I should let something go. I am struggling with several relationships in my life and looking for some guidance. Your posts have given me something to think about. Thank you

  22. Dearest Nicole – I have come out of my retreat from blogging long enough to accept the Blog of the Year 2012 Award. The sole purpose of this being so that I could pass it along to YOU! Yours is the only the blog I continue to follow even during my retreat period and you never cease to be an inspiration to me. I hope you will accept this award, for the second time. If anyone deserves the full six stars in her collection, it is you! 🙂 You can see a link to this award passed along to you here: https://janesindiajournals.wordpress.com/2013/01/19/blog-of-the-year-award-2012/
    with much love light and JOY and appreciation and gratitude to you as well…

  23. I’ve just read your post about Your former student (Mandy) and her family . . . and I’m sitting here speechless and very moved. Thanks for sharing this very powerful story — one which I hope will touch anyone suffering from depression enough to seek the help that they need. I’m starting 2013 with a renewed belief in angels …

  24. I read great words on intuition – and reading on it got so much. So many words, so many lines.
    My intuition stopped – so I stopped reading and felt I can write this to you.
    Can you really turn intuition on like a GPS?

  25. I stumbled upon your blog somehow and found it so interesting and amazing. Trust me when I say that I started doing so many exercises altogether.Hihihi. I live here in Mumbai (India) I work at this amazing place called Touching Lives.Its a Ngo which caters to slum kids.After reading your posts, all I feel always is if you could come down to Mumbai and meet my kids someday. It will be so great.:)
    We at Touching Lives also practice lot of healing and meditation. Its like walking down the spiritual journey and in the process, I met you.
    I am so glued to your posts, hope someday I would meet you in personal.And also I loved your hair, I too have the same hair like you:) Merry Christmas and a Happy New year. Love and hugs from this part of the world.

  26. Nicole, how lovely to read about you! What a delightful soul you are. Your passion — journeying with others to discover their inner wisdom (and light and goodness) resonates with my own life’s passion. Congratulations on the first year of your blog. I look forward to reading more in the new year. Many blessings to you, Lisa

  27. Hello Nicole, I’ve just nominated you for the Reality Blog Award on my little blog and I’d love for you to accept this award on my behalf. Should you choose to accept this award, there are a few guidelines that go along with it, you can read more here if you’d like: http://tinyurl.com/clv8efu
    Thank you for your continuing to provide me with so much inspiration in my life xo Maria

  28. I was feeling despondent, having that realisation that it’s not just one area of my life, but all of it where there’s stuckness, of not feeling belonging, just utter overwhelm and feeling vulnerable and tiny. I found your blog and it was like a big comfort blanket, I like the practical things you mention….will you hold my hand and guide me back on a path out of darkness…..much gratefulness to you x

  29. Hi, Julie put me onto this blog.. I’ve looked at a few of your posts and love what I see… Julie is such a wonderful person and she recently won a necklace from you… I’m South African and apart from my obvious dislike of your cricket and rugby team, (because they beat us too often) I actually like the Australian bloggers I’m presently following.. so guess what, you have another follower, ME, and I’ll be enjoying all your posts… and just for the record I LOVE CUPCAKES… bye..

  30. I stumbled across your blog from the Healing Crystals website and I read your piece on the sweetness of grief. What you said resonated with me, I could feel your energy especially with the three songs. I ended up crying like a little girl but it needed to be read.

  31. Hi there

    I have nominated your blog for the Daisy Award!!

    As with all blog awards, there are rules:

    * Thank the person who nominated you

    * Tell your readers 7 unusual things about yourself

    * Nominate some worthy bloggers – I’m not quite sure what the Daisy award is actually for, but it looks cheerful and to me a daisy is always a happy little plant that comes out in the sun, so I am nominating other blogs that make me feel happy and smiley and full of sunshine!!!

  32. Hi again Nicole- I have nominated you for the Kreativ Blogger Award and hope you will accept my appreciation. If you choose not to go ahead with the award process, please feel free. It was important for me to help others find their way to your wonderful blog and my way of saying “thank you” for taking the time to share. 🙂
    with love light and JOY

    1. your blog has become PART of my world. And I want to make it part of the world of as many people as I can. This is just a small way of doing that! 🙂

    2. you SOOOOOOOOO deserve it. Yours is probably THE best blog I’ve come across…with such a vast variety of things to find there! Quite amazing. wish I could get everyone I know to follow your blog.
      much love light and JOY

  33. Hi Nicole – I just wanted to let you know that I’ve nominated you for A Very Inspiring Blogger Award (the details are on my blog). I thoroughly enjoy reading your posts and look forward to many more in the future!

  34. Thank you so much everyone for your lovely comments and all of these awards. I never expected my blog to be read by so many people! If I haven’t acknowledged your nomination yet, be sure that I will. I just want to make sure I can respond when I have time to do them justice. Much love, Nicole xx

  35. Bacon Biscuit at on the Cool Cook Style WP blog referred me to you. I have been blogging about my supernatural/special abilities. I look forward to reading your blog and connecting with another like-minded person. Thanks for sharing your experiences.

  36. Hi Nicole,

    I’m so honored to have “met” you through the virtual vegan potluck (God Bless Anne for organizing!) I have been reading your lovely blog entries: I feel so supported right now– connected to things bigger than me.

    THank you so much for writing. I am eagerly, eagerly, EAGERLY anticipating your future posts (and I’m really enjoying reading past ones too!)



    1. Thank you!
      Annie is an angel, isn’t she, for bringing all of us together? I was so happy to read that you feel supported. That’s why I write and meditate and do what I do.
      Keep writing, Jen. There’s much magic in the air for you.
      Love and Light,
      Nicole xx

  37. Thank you for stopping by my blog and for wanting to follow my journey. I agree about magic and cupcakes and healing. There’s something really wonderful about all of those things. Definitely looking forward to reading more.

    1. Blog on fire? Hahaha – it must have been the erupting volcano picture that did it for you. LOL I have a few of these award thingies I must get around to. You are so sweet for nominating me. This calls for a pot of tea! This morning: French Earl Grey. Mmmmm Tea Heaven. Much love to you xx

  38. First of all, a big thanks for following my blogs, India Journals and Not in India 2012. You might also enjoy my original blog which has been around for several years : http://mindfulnessjournal.wordpress.com where you might find posts of interest as well on many different topics.
    And and even bigger thanks for bringing me HERE to YOUR blog. First of all, it looks delicious!! And I love the name of the blog. And yes, I also believe cupcakes have healing qualities. My Ayurvedic doctor in India always says that although there are many things we realistically should not eat, very often our soul needs these things to be happy. And if the soul is not happy, the body will never be truly healthy. I call all these “no-no’s” which I sometimes crave, my “soul food.”
    I know I will truly enjoy your blog and look forward to exploring further.
    much love light and JOY

  39. Hi Nicole 🙂 I wanted to say thank you for visiting my blog and come by to meet you. You have a lovely blog! It looks like we share some of the interests too. Have a wonderful day!

  40. Whew. I’m so happy to find that you are a peace-loving person. This is a beautiful blog and I’m happy you found mine so that I could in turn find yours. I’ll be back to check out your musings and appreciate your support!

    1. Ha ha! I’m glad you stopped by and worked out I wasn’t some big-haired, shoulder-pad-wearing scary witch with bad teeth from too much sugar consumption. Thanks for visiting my blog. You’re welcome here anytime! Bless xx

  41. Nicole, I’ve just discovered your blog. Thank you, beautifully done! I’ll be visiting often for inspiration. Wishing you, hubby, your boys and your big, fat heart peace, love and light in 2012.

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