Have A Little Rest – Monday Oracle 27 December 2021

Most of the things we need to be most fully alive never come in busyness. They grow in rest. Mark Buchanan Hello, Lovelies! This Quarter I am using the Nature’s Whispers Oracle Cards by Angela Hartfield, with artwork by Josephine Wall, for my weekly oracle readings. Our card to guide us for the week ahead is 13 […]

My second Challenge for you!

Our Ancestors always operated with a sense of being in a reciprocal relationship with their physical surroundings. Whether they felt that they were being rewarded by Mother Nature or punished by her, at least they were engaged in a constant conversation with her. ~ Elizabeth Gilbert Hello, Lovelies! Are you ready for my second simple […]

I have a challenge for you today!

It is not possible to solve a problem with the same consciousness that produced it. ~ Albert Einstein Hello, Lovelies! Are you ready for my simple challenge? Today I’d like you to gift yourself five quiet minutes. Just five minutes. And I’d like you to do something specific with that five minutes. Put away your […]

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