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Rain, Rain, cleanse my blues away…

Let the rain kiss you. Let the rain beat upon your head with silver liquid drops. Let the rain sing you a lullaby. 
~ Langston Hughes

I awoke this morning to gentle rain on the roof. It was such a peaceful sound. I’m still on retreat, so I walked out onto the veranda, which overlooks rainforest and then the ocean, and I took a few deep cleansing breaths.

The cool, fresh, rain-moist air was a nurturing gift. Yesterday was a big day – lots of breakthroughs for my students, lots of healings, lots of hard work. We all tumbled into bed exhausted.

This morning the energy feels so light and calm.  It’s as if the overnight rain has washed away the heavy energetic debris of the day before. We’ll have a lovely fresh start.

That’s the power of rain. There is nothing like a shower or a storm to freshen things up.

If you ever get the opportunity, go for a walk in the rain.  Dance in the rain.  Stomp in puddles.  Or just sit on your veranda or at an open window and watch the raindrops fall.

No rain where you are? The shower works almost as well.  Stand under the fall of water, and let the rush of drops wash your cares away.  It’s good to do a simple visualisation while you shower, seeing the water run over your body and through your aura, gently taking away your hurts and pains, your heaviness or anger. Let it wash off the negativity or disappointment, let it remove the energy of other people, let it leave you fresh and clean and whole again.

Or soak in a hot tub, and then pull the plug and watch your worries and the energetic residue of the day drain away down the plughole.

Water has magical properties for soothing, cleansing and restoring. And it’s so available to us.

Today, I’m wishing you peace, flow and grace.  Much love to you ♥ xx

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